Arknights Wiki

First introduced in Who is Real, alternate Operators, colloquially referred to as alters, are an alternative version of certain Operators, which could either have superior performance than the original Operator or completely different properties altogether.

All alter Operators are subject to the following mechanics:

  1. Both the original Operator and their alter share the same Trust but have their own Potential, skill upgrades and Mastery training, talent, and base skills.
  2. Both the original Operator and their alter have their own outfits and dialogues.
    • However, both are available separately as the player's Assistant.

Before Il Siracusano, both the original Operator and their alter cannot be present in a squad or the RIIC at the same time:

  • If either is present in a squad, the other cannot be picked up as a Support Unit and assigning either to the same squad as the other will cause the former to replace the latter.
  • If either is assigned to an RIIC while the other is also in one, the other version will be removed from its shift. This also affects the Dormitory, where either version cannot rest while the other is working, or vice-versa.

Contrary to one might expect, it is not required to have the original Operator in the player's roster first before their alter can be added as well. However, having the original Operator alongside their alter will unlock Alternate Operator Missions which requires the player to build the original and alter Operator, and awards resources which partially refunds the process. It is thus highly advised to build both the original and alter Operator, even if they ended up unused, should the player manage to obtain both. Unfortunately, Alternate Operator Missions are no longer available for alternate Operator pairs from June 23, 2023 in the Global server due to the removal of their usage restrictions (see above).


As of September 5, 2023, there are 18 alter Operators:

Operator Introduced in Limited? Release status
Alternate Original CN Global TW
Who is Real No Tick Tick Tick
Under Tides Yes Tick Tick Tick
Dossoles Holiday Yes Tick Tick Tick
Near Light Yes Tick Tick Tick
Invitation to Wine No Tick Tick Tick
Stultifera Navis Yes Tick Tick Tick
Lingering Echoes No Tick Tick Tick
Ideal City Yes Tick Tick Tick
Dorothy's Vision No Tick Tick Tick
Il Siracusano Yes Tick Tick Tick
What the Firelight Casts No Tick Tick Tick
A Flurry to the Flame Yes Tick Tick Tick
A Flurry to the Flame Yes Tick Tick Tick
Lone Trail No Tick Tick Tick
Hortus de Escapismo No Tick Tick Tick
So Long, Adele Yes Tick Tick Cross
So Long, Adele No Tick Tick Cross
Come Catastrophes or Wakes of Vultures No Tick Tick Cross