This article pertains to a subject that is not yet released in the Global server of Arknights. |
The following are based on tentative translations which may not represent the official localization. |
Planetary Debris is an operation mechanic in Arknights, introduced in Lone Trail.
Representing space debris in the orbit of Terra, Planetary Debris are technically considered as an enemy unit with the following properties:
- 12000 HP (15000 at Level 1), 100 ATK, 3300 DEF (3550 at Level 1), and 60 RES (70 at Level 1).
- Speed of 4 tiles/second.
- Weight of 4 (2 at Level 2).
- Immune to Silence and Stun.
- Negative taunt.
- Not categorized into any of the three enemy classes.
The Debris blocks the path of enemies and prevents friendly units from being deployed on its position, but takes no damage at all from friendly attacks. If the Debris is attacked 20 times or successfully shifted, it will drift (move) in the direction the attack came from, dealing 3000 Physical damage on contact; enemies will take 2.1× damage (3.2x at Level 2) and be shifted towards the direction between the Debris and the attacker with a force of 1, while friendlies will take 1x damage (0.4x at Level 2). This will also clear the path for enemies and friendly deployment alike.
Intermezzi | CW-TR-1 • CW-3 • CW-4 • CW-5 • CW-6 • CW-TR-2 • CW-7 • CW-8 • CW-9 • CW-10 • CW-EX-1 • CW-EX-2 • CW-EX-3 • CW-EX-4 • CW-EX-5 • CW-EX-6 • CW-EX-7 • CW-EX-8 • CW-P-1 • CW-P-2 • CW-S-1-A • CW-S-1-B • CW-S-2-A • CW-S-2-B • CW-S-3-A • CW-S-3-B • CW-S-4 |
Level 1 stats are used in CW-EX-8 and CW-S-4, and Level 2 stats are used in CW-P-1 and CW-P-2.
In CW-TR-1 to CW-5, the Planetary Debris is named Stone and has a different model since these operations take place before the space segment of the story.
Enemy | Interaction |