Прощание (Proshchaniye; lit. "parting" as in "parted ways", "farewell") is an Arknights song acting as the leitmotif of Hellagur, performed by the American singers James Robert Hayden (credited as "James Hayden") alongside Todd Strange and Abdiel Gonzalez (who previously performs Silver Lining) in the chorus.[1] It is one of the three Arknights songs that are entirely in Russian, the others being Requiem and Lullaby.
- The pains nurtured by war will by the end be stifled.
The soldiers are scarred and broken, and then return to take up normal lives.
Hearken, to the hard winter that follows battle, to the red-brick ovens set by warm blood;
Прощание, to our heroes, to our people.
Эти часы ношены, побиты,
И этот меч нержавеющий, стар, как мир.
В этих часах её образ ношу я,
Но этот меч предрекает мою судьбу.
Война, война – тяжёлая жатва!
Бейся, солдат, седой и усталый,
Плачет земля – мне не говорите.
Смерть к нам приходит, война или не война.
Твой взгляд я ношу у сердца,
Но меч под рукой предрекает мою судьбу.
Война, война! Кому ж она мать родная?
Лучше, чем тысяча шрамов – улыбка ребёнка.
Но я рождён солдатом;
Меч рассекает – война или не война.
Мир где-то здесь, он зовёт, он влечёт,
Он где-то здесь, под ногами, он под кожей, зовёт меня!
Твой взгляд меня охраняет,
Но меч в руке предрекает мою судьбу!
Годы эти я не забуду,
Но я выбрал исцеление, покой и мир.
Eti chasy nosheny pobity,
I etot mech nerzhaveyushchiy, star, kak mir.
V etikh chasakh yeyo obraz noshu ya,
No etot mech predrekayet moyu sud'bu.
Voyna, voyna – tyazholaya zhatva!
Beysya, soldat, sedoy i ustalyy,
Plachet zemlya – mne ne govorite.
Smert' k nam prikhodit, voyna ili ne voyna.
Tvoy vzglyad ya noshu u serdtsa,
No mech pod rukoy predrekayet moyu sud'bu.
Voyna, voyna! Komu zh ona mat' rodnaya?
Luchshe, chem tysyacha shramov – ulybka rebonka.
No ya rozhdon soldatom;
Mech rassekayet – voyna ili ne voyna.
Mir gde-to zdes', on zovot, on vlechot,
On gde-to zdes', pod nogami, on pod kozhey, zovot menya!
Tvoy vzglyad menya okhranyayet,
No mech v ruke predrekayet moyu sud'bu!
Gody eti ya ne zabudu,
No ya vybral istseleniye, pokoy i mir.
The watch is worn and battered,
and this rusted sword is old as time.
I carry her image in this watch,
but this sword heralds my fate.
War is a laborious harvest!
Fight on, grizzled, weary soldier,
the land cries – you need not tell me.
Death comes to us, be it war or not.
I carry your gaze near my heart,
but the sword at hand heralds my fate.
War! Whom does it benefit?
The smile of a child surpasses a thousand scars.
But I am born a soldier;
my sword cleaves – be it war or not.
Peace must be close, it calls me, draws me,
it's somewhere under my feet, under my skin, calling for me!
Your gaze keeps me safe,
but the sword in my hand heralds my fate!
I won't forget these years,
but I've chosen healing, peace, and quiet.
- Proshchaniye was released one day before the Defender of the Fatherland Day that is commemorated in Russia and most post-Soviet countries.
- Although the song was released at around 0:00 a.m. GMT +8, it coincidentally occurred on the same day when Russia recognized the independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics which precluded the Russian invasion of Ukraine.[2]
- Because of the above factor, the song was released much later on YouTube after Russia proclaimed the war likely to avoid the heated Russophobia online.
See also[]
- Other Arknights songs in Russian:
- Silver Lining – another Arknights song featuring Abdiel Gonzalez