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Titan's Heart
The Great Chief Returns: Great Chief's Path
Previous RI-4 (Story)

Being straightforward has never meant being reckless.
Male Tiacauh A icon
Archosauria A (Yogi)
Male Tiacauh B icon
Archosauria B (Yota)
Acahualla Temple Ruined
Gavial regains consciousness and accepts her defeat gracefully.
But the idea that Zumama has been mining ore despite the risk of Oripathy infection pushes her to a confrontation.
<Background 1>
Gavial Oof... Ah.. That hurts a little...
Tomimi Gavial, you're awake! Are you okay?!
Gavial I'm fine. Just a scratch.
More importantly, is that the machine Zumama's been tinkering with all this time?
Tomimi Yes. I heard them calling it "The Big, Ugly Thing". So gross...
Gavial It's pretty badass!
Tomimi So... Err, huh?
But the big thing definitely beat you down...
Gavial I can tell it's really tough, even through it knocked my lights out before I got a good look at it.
Tomimi Hmm, yes it is...
Gavial But I never imagined she'd actually put together something like this.
Closure makes some weird gadgets every once in a while, yeah, but even she'd be impressed with Zumama's machine here. Haha.
Tomimi Wow, are there lots of things like that at Rhodes Island?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Yes.
Tomimi Waaaa! Rhodes Island sounds scary...
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Gavial Haha, Rhodes Island would blow your little mind.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Not that ugly.
Gavial Haha, now that you mention it, that thing would drive Closure up the wall as soon as she laid eyes on it.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Gavial Hm? What happened to the Temple?
Tomimi That monster blew it up.
Gavial Oh, so that means the ceremony's over?
Tomimi Yes.
Gavial And so Zumama's the Great Chief now?
Tomimi Yes...
Everyone was pretty shocked at first, but...
<Background fades out and in>
Eunectes Why did I destroy the Temple? It's simple.
It's my way of telling you all we're ending this tradition.
With your fists, you can beat down ten men. If you're Gavial, maybe you take a hundred. But more than that?
Even Gavial couldn't manage.
There's a limit to what you can do with your fists.
But with a tool? That's different. My tribe created this "Big, Ugly Thing" that effortlessly took down Gavial and destroyed the Temple just as easily.
This is the power of a tool.
Tools can make you all even stronger!
And so I hereby proclaim the age of machines!
<Background fades out and in>
Tomimi Everyone bought into it, so...
Gavial So she became the Great Chief. Hah, well, that's an L for me, obviously.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Are you okay with that?
Gavial Huh? Yep. A loss is a loss.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Gavial Hey, Doctor, I don't need your comfort. I'm really fine.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor You're right to accept it, Gavial.
Gavial Hmph, duh. Do you know me?
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Gavial Oh, but I have to apologize to Tomimi. It's my fault you never got a chance to fight.
Tomimi ...That's okay. Even if I went up there, it wouldn't have changed anything.
Gavial Yeah, you're right about that one.
Hey, Doctor, what do we do now?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Find the engine and the others.
Gavial Ah, right! We need the engine to get back.
And as for the others, if we didn't see them at the ceremony, maybe they got lost?
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Gavial Still thinking it over, Doctor? No rush. We've got some vacation time left.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Sightseeing?
Gavial Haha, I love this Doctor! Then let's get some sightseeing in while we look for the engine and the girls.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Tomimi Erm, well...
Gavial Huh? Those two over there...
Archosauria A Hey, Yota, are you okay?!
Archosauria B Yeah, it's just, it kinda...
Archosauria A Yota!
I need a shaman!
Gavial Hey, let me take a look.
Archosauria A Gavial? You're alive?
Gavial Takes more than that to kill me.
Shut up for now. Lay your brother out and I'll look him over.
Tomimi, get my medical bag.
Tomimi Oh, okay!
<Background fades out and in>
Archosauria A Is he gonna be alright?!
Gavial He's not dead. But he's not looking good either.
Shortness of breath, foamy, bloody spittle... Hm? And Originium crystals on the body?!
...Doctor, my initial diagnosis is heart failure brought on by Oripathy.
Archosauria A What?
Gavial It's Stone Disease. The symptoms aren't too bad. I have some emergency medicine in my bag, but we need to treat him right away.
Stand him up. He can't lay down. I'll give him some oxygen.
Archosauria A The Stone Disease did this? Ugh, I told him not to push it.
Gavial ......
Hey, what's your name?
Archosauria A I'm Yogi. That's my brother, Yota.
Gavial Which tribe?
Yogi Eunectes.
Gavial ......
Tomimi What's wrong, Gavial? Your face is scaring me.
Gavial Not now.
I'm asking again: Did Zumama send you into the mines to get ore for her big metal monster?
Yogi Yes. Why?
Gavial ......
I'm sorry, Doctor. No matter what, I have to pay Zumama a visit.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Because of the "Stone Disease"?
Gavial Nothing gets past you, Doctor.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Gavial You're the Doctor, you definitely know why.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor I guess sightseeing can wait.
Gavial Sorry again, Doctor. But I have to do this.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Gavial Our tribes don't have much contact with the outside world. To you and the other operators, we're a primitive backwater.
But there is one good thing about this place. You heard it, right? They call Oripathy "Stone Disease" and treat it like an ordinary malady.
Sometimes people catch it, sometimes they die of it. But nobody thinks it's anything special, because people here die from lots of things.
Everyone looks after Oripathy patients like they're just regular sick people. All they know about the disease is you can catch it in the mines.
So very few people go into the mines. It's been that way for a long time.
Doctor Your Oripathy...
Tomimi Gavial caught it when she saved me.
Gavial Yeah. When Tomimi was little, she snuck into the depths of the mines. I went to rescue her, and I got sick.
Lucky she didn't.
Tomimi If only I got it instead...
Gavial Don't you dare say that. Getting sick is a terrible thing. It's just bad luck.
Tomimi (Whimper)
Doctor So they really ostracized you out of here?
Gavial You've asked that a couple of times, Doctor.
After I got sick, the other tribespeople wouldn't let me do anything. I couldn't hunt, I couldn't even go to a gathering.
And the little runt Tomimi here was the worst. She came over from her tribe and stuck to me like glue. She did everything for me, and I had nothing to do.
In the end, they wouldn't even let me join the ceremony.
Day after day, time after time, it was "Oh no, Gavial, let me do that for you," you know what I mean...? That's no life for me.
Tomimi Gavial didn't smile much after that...
Gavial I was so pissed off, I went to the ceremony anyway, and beat the tar out of everyone I saw on the way.
Tomimi *Sob*, I shouldn't have been so pushy, Gavial...
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor ...That really is a kind of ostracization.
Gavial The reality is, around here, if you can't fight, you're nothing. A waste of space.
I'd rather you let me put myself in danger than take away my freedom to do anything.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Gavial Doctor, don't you think this is funny?
I think it's funny. Only after I left the tribe did I realize what kind of hatred people have for Oripathy sufferers.
It took me a long time to figure that out.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Sure wish someone would ostracize me like that!
Gavial Tch, watch that tongue of yours, Doctor, or I'll rip it out.
But I know what you mean. Out there, discrimination is what you get as an Oripathy patient.
What I went through back then, though, that was still torture for me.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Gavial Hey, you got me off on a tangent there. This isn't what I wanted to talk about.
Hmm... What was I saying?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Big metal monster.
Gavial Oh, right.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Gavial Doctor, help me out here.
Oh, I got it.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor The cash you owe me.
Gavial Bullshit.
Oh, I got it.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Gavial I was thinking about how that great big monster of a machine must've taken a ton of iron ore to build.
Put that together with what Zumama was saying, and we know she definitely sent her people down into the mines to get that ore.
Tomimi Now that you mention it, I have heard something like that.
Gavial Now I've got no problem with that, on its face. If she just had them digging around on the outside, no big deal.
But now people are getting sick, and I have to do something.
I don't care about her age of machines or whatever. If she's throwing away lives, she's earned a clobbering.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor You have my full support.
Gavial Thanks, Doctor.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Gavial Ooh, you've got that penetrating gaze, Doctor.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor You're a good doctor, Gavial.
Gavial Hah, but of course.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Tomimi Gavial...
Gavial Tomimi, where is Zumama's tribe?
Tomimi Um, I don't know.
Yogi Hey, Gavial, I'm really not interested in your hopes and dreams and ideals here. What's up with my brother?
Gavial Huh? You can understand our Sargonian?
Yogi Yes. The leader taught all of us.
Gavial ...What is that Zumama up to?
Whatever. Anyway, Tomimi, get your minions to carry this one back to your tribe. Have Lancet-2 start treating him.
Yogi Hey, what are you doing?!
Gavial If you want your brother to live, you'll put your trust in me.
Tomimi ...Okay then, I'll take him back with me.
Gavial Oh? You're not coming with me?
Tomimi Ah! N-No! Of course I want to go with you, Gavial. But I have a few things that need doing first. I'll catch up with you later!
Gavial What things? Need my help?
Tomimi N-No! I can take care of it myself!
Gavial, do you remember the great waterfall? We'll meet up there!
Gavial Okay.
Yogi Alright. You're the one and only Gavial, I trust you. But I'm going with!
Gavial No, you won't be any help. And there's something I need you to do for me.
Yogi What?
Gavial Go tell Zumama we need to have a talk.