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The Ancients (Chinese: 先民; Pinyin: Xiānmín) is an umbrella term for a large group of Terran races that made up the bulk of Terra's civilization. Their origin remains mysterious, but it is certain that they are "alien invaders" who forcefully occupied the homeland of the Teekaz/Sarkaz.[1][2] However, Friston the Preservator once referred to the Ancients as "humanoid animals," seemingly implying that they could be literal animals who underwent neo-Darwinian evolution into sapience like that of Homo sapiens or a product of forced evolutions of animals by the Ancestors.[3]

Race Based on
Aegir Aquatic animals
Anaty Musteloids
Anura Frogs
Archosauria Crocodilians
Aslan Lions
Caprinae Goats and sheepe
Cautus Leporids
Cerato Rhinoceroses
Draco European dragons
Durin Dwarves in fantasy works
Elafia Deers
Elf Elves in fantasy works
Feline Feliforms except lions
Forte Bovines and camelids
Kylin Qilin
Kuranta Horses
Nightzmoran Kuranta Mares
Unicorn Kuranta Unicorns in European mythology
Liberi Birds and bird-like mythological creatures
Lung Chinese dragons
Lupo Wolves
Manticore Manticores in Persian mythology
Oni Oni in Japanese mythology
Perro Dogs
Petram Chelonians
Pilosa Sloths
Pythia Serpents
Rebbah Hyenas
Savra Lizards and salamanders
Ursus Bears
Vouivre Lesser dragons, prominently wyverns
Vulpo Foxes
Zalak Rodents, opposums, and moles


  1. 11-17 Before
  2. 12-16 Before
  3. CW-10 After