Arknights Wiki
Not to be confused with Arts Creation.
Takes greatly reduced Physical and Arts damage. Units blocking it gain +1 Block (up to a maximum of +6).
—Descriptions of Reborn Creation enemies

Reborn Creation is a unique enemy mechanic in Arknights.


Made up of parasitic leech-like creatures referred to as "heirs" (not to be confused with the related Bloodthirsty Heirs) created by the Sanguinarch and implanted into Sarkaz warriors designated "Heirbearers", Reborn Creations are usually spawned when Sarkaz Heirbearer enemies are defeated and excluded to the enemy counter, though they also spawns as regular enemies do in some operations in which case they are included to the enemy counter.

Reborn Creations are among the most annoying enemies in the game, more so than Waregeists, since the Physical and Arts damage they took are reduced by 90%(!), meaning that Creations take little, if any Physical/Arts damage and can only be noticeably damaged if the attacker's ATK are high enough (at least 1000) or by simply using True damage.

To offset the fact that Reborn Creations take a very long time to be defeated without True damage, all of them will increase the block count of friendly units blocking them by 1 for each Creation, which can stack up to 6, although the Creations are still counted when blocked, thus this basically means that up to 6 Creations are excluded from the friendly's original block count. As most Reborn Creations appear in operations featuring the Londinium Secondary Defense Artillery which will target the friendly unit with the highest block count, this can be a double-edged sword: on the minus side, the friendly is more likely to be the Artillery's target; on the plus side, since the Artillery deals True damage which is equal to, if not higher, than the Creations' HP (except in certain cases), they will all be taken out in one strike.

Reborn Creation Spawned from


Enemy Interaction
Increases the ATK of Reborn Creations by 10% (stacks up to 50% if additional ASVs are present) and causes their attacks to inflict Necrosis Damage build-up equal to 10% of the Creation's ATK.
Their ATK will be increased by 15% (Hatedrinker)/25% (Wrathgorger) for each Reborn Creation present, which stacks up to 90%/150%.
In H10-3 and Londinium Outskirts with the Manfred: Death Trap Contracts, Reborn Creations and Sarkaz Heirbearer enemies that turns into them upon defeat gains an aura dealing Arts damage equal to 5% of Manfred's ATK every 0.5 seconds to friendly units in a radius of 1.25 tiles as long as Manfred is present.


  • The Reborn Creations' nature is identical to the Plagas in Resident Evil.