Arknights Wiki
Paradox Simulation
Scene PS map
If physical challenges can be overcome by machinery, then it is Scene's strong heart that allows her to face the battlefield head-on.
Plus, there are wondrous sights that can only be seen there.
Unlock condition: Raise Scene to Elite 2 Level 1.


Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
8 18 1 1
Static devices Emergency Aid Building ×3


Boss Sal Viento Bishop Quintus
Additional information
Quintus has 330 ATK.


Squad composition
  • Scene
  • Click (Elite 2 Level 20, Skill-Click1 Synchronized Attack Level 7)
  • Shaw (Elite 2 Level 20, Skill-Shaw1 Steam Pump Level 7)
Pre-deployed Provence (Elite 2 Level 20, Skill-Provence1 Wolf's Eye Level 7)
Additional information
  • Scene's level, promotion, skill upgrades/Mastery training, Trust, and Potential will match with that of the player's.
  • Unless noted otherwise, all other Operators are considered to be at Potential 1.
  • Click, Provence, and Shaw are considered to have 80% Trust.