Arknights Wiki
This article is about the debuff. For other similar uses, see Silence (disambiguation).

Silence is a debuff in Arknights.


Only enemies can be Silenced, which prevents them from using their special abilities. This also prevents certain special abilities that are activated when the enemy is defeated from being triggered.

Silence effect

Silence is indicated by an X symbol over a lightning bolt visible above the target, although the bolt is absent when certain enemies are Silenced.

List of enemies affected by Silence

Additional information
  • Silencing Alchohol Lovers/Association Members and Lakeside Volunteers/Lifeguards cause their dodge buff to expire prematurely.
  • Silencing Bladehelm Knightclub Trainees/Elites and Tytus Topola only disables their ATK debuff, not their self-revive.
  • Silencing Blueflowers/Scarletmists, Defense Crusher (Leaders), Dockworker (Leaders), and Sniper (Leaders) freeze the attack count to trigger their special attack in addition to disabling it.
  • Silencing Dublinn Flamerazers disable both their flamethrower attack and explosion when defeated.
  • Silencing (Luscious) Snack Carts prevent them from exploding when blocked.
  • Silencing Nethersea/Nourished/Regressed Brandguiders only disables their ability to spawn Nethersea Brands as they moves when their HP falls below 50%, not the DEF buff and increased block requirement.
  • Silencing Nethersea/Nourished/Regressed Founders only disables their ability to spawn a Nethersea Brand when defeated, not the RES increase.
  • Silencing Nethersea/Nourished/Regressed Predators disable their Physical/Arts dodge, but does not make them blockable while over Nethersea Brands.
  • Silencing Volleyball Serving/Spiking Carts resets their ATK buff's stack count.

Refraction, which is present on most Dublinn enemies, will be disabled when the enemy in question are Silenced.


Operator Skill/talent Range/target Duration
Flash Shield
  • L1-L3: 2.5 seconds
  • L4-L6: 3 seconds
  • L7: 3.5 seconds
  • M1: 3.8 seconds
  • M2: 4.1 seconds
  • M3: 4.5 seconds
"Really Heavy Spear"
Attack while active
  • L1-L3: 2 seconds
  • L4-L6: 2.5 seconds
  • L7: 3 seconds
  • M1: 3.5 seconds
  • M2: 4 seconds
  • M3: 5 seconds
Only if Genesis succeeds (which has a 50:50 chance)
  • L1-L3: 2 seconds
  • L4-L6: 2.5 seconds
  • L7: 3 seconds
  • M1: 3.5 seconds
  • M2: 4 seconds
  • M3: 5 seconds
Conductive Corrosive Blast
Attack while active
  • L1-L3: 3 seconds
  • L4-L6: 3.2 seconds
  • L7: 3.5 seconds
  • M1: 4 seconds
  • M2: 4.5 seconds
  • M3: 5 seconds
Shell Splitter
Attack while active
  • L1-L7: 1 second
  • M1-M3: 2 seconds
Spiritual Destruction Attack
  • E1: 1 second
  • E2: 5 seconds
  • P5: +1 second
Copper Seal
Enemies that attacked Nian while active
  • L1-L7: 3 seconds
  • M1-M2: 4 seconds
  • M3: 5 seconds
Spread Spores
Within attack range, AoE
  • L1-L7: 5 seconds
  • M1-M3: 6 seconds
Prevailing Argument
All enemies within attack range
  • L1-L6: 6 seconds
  • L7: 7 seconds
  • M1: 8 seconds
  • M2: 9 seconds
  • M3: 10 seconds
Bug Catcher Attack (only works on Infected Creatures) 4 seconds
Silent Drizzle
Attack while active
  • L1-L3: 3 seconds
  • L4-L6: 5 seconds
  • L7-M2: 8 seconds
  • M3: 10 seconds
Seven-styles Kick
  • L1-L3: 5 seconds
  • L4-L6: 6 seconds
  • L7-M2: 7 seconds
  • M3: 8 seconds