Arknights Wiki
-80% Movement Speed.
—In-game tip

Slow, also known as Stop,[1] is a debuff in Arknights.


Only enemy units can be inflicted with Slow, which is indicated by a miniscule blue electrical effect on them. In this state, the enemy will have their speed reduced by 80%, almost halting their movement which can be noticed on enemies with low speed.

Slow cannot be stacked, but speed reduction effects (e.g. Manticore's Scorpion Venom, Nightmare's Night Phantom) will stack with it, which can be used to further restrict the enemy's movement.

So far only stationary/large enemies and Nethersea/Nourished/Regressed Swarmcallers are immune to Slow, with the Regressed Swarmcaller in particular able to pass its Slow immunity to The Endspeaker, Will of We Many on its next phase if it Consumes the Swarmcaller's Remains.



All Decel Binder Supporters and Chain Casters inflict Slow on each attack, which lasts for 0.8 seconds (1.2 seconds with the DEC-Y Operator Module) for the former and 0.5 seconds (0.8 seconds with the CHA-X Module) for the latter.

Operator Skill/talent Range/target Duration
Drug Cocktail Administration Attack (randomly)
  • Base: 1 second
  • E1: 1.2 seconds
  • E2: 1.4 seconds
Snaring Shell
Attack while active
  • L1-L3: 0.6 seconds
  • L4-L6: 0.7 seconds
  • L7-M1: 0.8 seconds
  • M2: 1 second
  • M3: 1.2 seconds
Shrapnel Burst
Attack when charged, up to 2 (L1-L6)/3 (L7-M3) enemies within range 1 second
High-Voltage Current
Attack while active
  • L1-L3: 0.7 seconds
  • L4-L6: 0.8 seconds
  • L7-M1: 0.9 seconds
  • M2-M3: 1 second
Sand Fetters
0.2 seconds
High-speed Resonating Troubleshooter
Resonator trigger
  • L1-L6: 3 seconds
  • L7: 3.5 seconds
  • M1: 4 seconds
  • M2: 4.5 seconds
  • M3: 5 seconds
Quicksand Conversion
Within attack range every 1.8 (L1-L3)/1.7 (L4-L6)/1.6 (L7)/1.55 (M1)/1.5 (M2)/1.4 (M3) seconds 0.8 seconds
Attack when charged 1 second
Display of Might
Attack while active 0.3 seconds
Electrostatic Field Attack
  • E1: 0.4 seconds
  • E2: 0.6 seconds
  • SPC-Y Stage 2: 0.8 seconds
  • SPC-Y Stage 3: 1 second
Beacon of Dawn
Ball lightning (inflicted every 1.5 seconds)
  • L1-M1: 1.4 seconds
  • M2: 1.5 seconds
  • M3: 1.6 seconds
Light-Stealing Chain Attack with a 25% (E1)/40% (E2) chance 2 seconds
Crystalline Shine
Drones' attack while active 0.5 seconds
Attack while active
  • L1-L3: 0.7 seconds
  • L4-L6: 0.8 seconds
  • L7-M1: 0.9 seconds
  • M2 and M3: 1 second
High-Efficiency Freezing Module
Within Magallan's attack range and the surrounding tiles to the Soaring Dragons every 3 seconds (while not active)
  • L1-L3: 0.7 seconds
  • L4-L6: 0.8 seconds
  • L7-M2: 0.9 seconds
  • M3: 1 second
Paralyzing Shell
Attack when charged
  • L1-L3: 1.5 seconds
  • L4-L7: 2 seconds
  • M1-M3: 2.5 seconds
Binding Shock
Attack while active
  • L1-L6: 0.8 seconds
  • L7-M2: 0.9 seconds
  • M3: 1 second
Holding Shadow
Within the modified attack range
Until Holding Shadow expires
Spread Spores
Within attack range, AoE Up to 5 seconds
Night Raid
  • L1-L3: 2 seconds
  • L4-L6: 2.5 seconds
  • L7: 3 seconds
  • M1: 3.5 seconds
  • M2: 4 seconds
  • M3: 4.5 seconds
Prevailing Argument
All enemies within attack range
  • L1-L6: 6 seconds
  • L7: 7 seconds
  • M1: 8 seconds
  • M2: 9 seconds
  • M3: 10 seconds
Glorious Banner
Unwavering Banner
10 seconds
Barbed Clawhook
Attack when charged
  • L1-L7: 1 second
  • M1: 1.2 seconds
  • M2: 1.4 seconds
  • M3: 1.6 seconds
Telescoping Electric Net
  • L1-L3: 2.1 seconds
  • L4-L6: 2.3 seconds
  • L7: 2.5 seconds
  • M1: 2.8 seconds
  • M2: 3.1 seconds
  • M3: 3.5 seconds


  • Mieszko Coils Slow enemies struck by the electric current they generates for 0.8 seconds.


Operator Skill/talent Interaction
Geological Survey Extends the Slow duration of both Earthspirit's attacks and Skill-Earthspirit1 Quicksand Conversion.
  • E2: 0.1 seconds
  • DEC-Y Stage 2: 0.2 seconds
  • DEC-Y Stage 3: 0.3 seconds
  • P5: +0.03 seconds
Electrostatic Discharge
Extends the Slow duration of Electrostatic Field while active.
  • L1-L3: 1.5×
  • L4-L6: 1.6×
  • L7: 1.7×
  • M1: 1.8×
  • M2: 1.9×
  • M3: 2×
Find an Opening Slowed enemies take an additional instance of Arts damage when attacked by Qiubai:
  • E1: 25%
  • E2: 40%
  • P5: +3%
Touch of Static
The attack with Touch of Static Slows the targets for 1.5 seconds.
Dispute Litigation
The attack with Dispute Litigation Slows the target for 1.6 seconds.
Binding Circle Applies 20% (+3% P5) Fragile (multiplied by 1.1× ~ 2× while Skill-Suzuran3 Foxfire Haze is active) to Slowed enemies within Suzuran's attack range.


  1. Referred to as 停顿 (Pinyin: Tíngdùn) in CN texts, which literally means "pause" or "stop".