The Smiley Face is a Sanity restoration item in Arknights.
- A glazed mooncake filled with rose red bean paste. Can be used to restore Sanity.
- A tender, sugary mooncake with a glossy sheen, prone to making anyone drool at the mouth.
This Yanese glazed mooncake with tender, sugary dough and rose red bean paste as filling can be used to restore 120 Sanity.
The Smiley Face is awarded at the third day of the Encounter at the Osmanthus Blossom login event, part of An Obscure Wanderer, by choosing Tender and Sugary on the Crust Dough Kneading step (Day 1), Rose Red Bean Paste on the Filling Mixing step (Day 2), and finally Smiley Face on the Mooncake Baking step (Day 3).