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A replica of a Stultifera Navis guest room, recreated based on a description by Irene. Its glittering gold represents the glory of "old Iberia."

The Stultifera Navis Reception Room is a furniture theme in Arknights.


The Stultifera Navis Reception Room is the recreation of the guestroom of the now-sunken Stultifera Navis; true to her nickname as the "Golden Dreadnought", even her guestroom is littered with gold ornaments in every corner. Perfect for those who want to reminisce the glory of Iberia's Golden Age in the most literal way possible.

All of the Stultifera Navis Reception Room's parts are only available in the Stultifera Navis event through various methods noted below.


The Shapes We Feel[]

Completion bonus: 105 Ambience icon
Furniture Type Ambience icon Ambience Acquisition
Side Hall Curtain Ceiling 100 Bitterscale Tavern (40 Rusted Compass)
Main Hall Curtain Ceiling 175 Obtain the Treasure in Gran Faro – Run-down Shed (requires the player to clear SN-2)
Cylindrical Ceiling Light Set Ceiling Lamp 110 Obtain the Treasure in Lost Flagship – Drafting Room (requires the player to clear SN-8)
Cylindrical Chandelier Ceiling Lamp 70 Bitterscale Tavern (30 Rusted Compass)

The Homes We Dwell[]

Completion bonus: 205 Ambience icon
Furniture Type Ambience icon Ambience Acquisition
Stultifera Navis Conference Table Table 405 Obtain the Treasure in Nameless Ocean – Discarded Wooden Barrel (requires the player to clear SN-9)
Shell-shaped Lounge Chair Seating 175 Bitterscale Tavern (60 Rusted Compass)
Movable Soft Chair Seating 135 Obtain the Treasure in Gran Faro – Collapsed Residence (requires the player to clear SN-3)
Non-Slip Rug Carpet 150 Bitterscale Tavern (50 Rusted Compass)

The Things We See[]

Completion bonus: 280 Ambience icon
Furniture Type Ambience icon Ambience Acquisition
"Art and Civilization" Decoration 555 Furniture Store (745 Furniture Part icon or 4 Originite Prime icon)
"Self-Portrait of Evolution" Decoration 160 Furniture Store (220 Furniture Part icon or 1 Originite Prime icon)
Glass Vase Decoration 145 Furniture Store (240 Furniture Part icon or 1 Originite Prime icon)
Decorative Candlestand Decoration 235 Furniture Store (315 Furniture Part icon or 2 Originite Prime icon)

The Sites We Visit[]

Completion bonus: 350 Ambience icon
Furniture Type Ambience icon Ambience Acquisition
Stultifera Navis Reception Room Wallpaper Wallpaper 225 Bitterscale Tavern (70 Rusted Compass)
Stultifera Navis Reception Room Flooring Floor 225 Bitterscale Tavern (70 Rusted Compass)
Finely Carved Marble Staircase Decoration 980 Obtain the Treasure in Gran Faro – Half-opened Safe (requires the player to clear SN-5)
Non-Slip Stair Rug Carpet 45 Bitterscale Tavern (20 Rusted Compass)