TW-ST-2 Above the Embers
Twilight of Wolumonde: Capitol Spire |
The flame ignites the tip of the moon. |
Characters |
![]() Townsfolk ![]() Townsfolk |
Backgrounds |
“ | After the riot ends, everyone realizes that the truth is out of reach. To preserve the town's peace, it must be hidden. People of the town unite again and migrate to avoid the Catastrophe. | ” |
<Background 1> | |
GreyThroat | Come in. |
[Ayerscarpe enters the room.] | |
Ayerscarpe | ...Hello. |
Severin | I'm pretty sure I know what you're going to say. But go ahead and say it. |
Ayerscarpe | It's on me then. I suspect that Catastrophe Messenger Biederman was the mastermind behind all of this. This is the only assessment I can make based upon the extreme scarcity of physical evidence. |
GreyThroat | I've seen your evidence. Biederman was a Contingency Contract Catastrophe Messenger. Rhodes Island has worked with them a lot, and they have contributed substantially to the fight against Catastrophes. But that doesn't mean they're all so "benevolent." |
Ayerscarpe | Speaking from experience as a bodyguard for Catastrophe Messengers, you are correct. |
GreyThroat | After the Catastrophe struck Wolumonde, Biederman made the determination that the town could not be saved. In order to save as many lives as possible, he decided to assassinate a Rhodes Island operator and draw the attention of the outside world. Totally feasible. But would Contingency Contract really sit by and let this happen? They should have some kind of standard. |
Ayerscarpe | The Contingency Contract is merely platform for offering up bounties and accomplishing goals. What goes on behind the scenes, no one knows. But there is a small group of Catastrophe Messengers with rather extreme beliefs that conflate Catastrophes with man-made disasters. If you'll excuse the turn of phrase, they're a bunch of sick utilitarians. As long as it frees people from the fear of Catastrophes... No, they're not even interested in helping people. It's all about fighting some ancient, imaginary enemy they call "Catastrophes." No action is too rash for them. And now they've taken up root in this well-regulated contractual mechanism. They're far more entrenched than I had previously thought. But... herein lies the problem. This overreaction was predicated on a belief in Rhodes Island. The belief that Folinic would come looking for Atro. I don't know by what means this madman used the Contingency Contract, but I do know one thing for certain. He would not hinge his entire plan on "feelings." In their eyes, what we do is something akin to acting out a fable. To bet everything on Rhodes Island's bonds with its operators... is very strange. |
GreyThroat | ...It's all just speculation. |
Severin | No. This makes sense. |
GreyThroat | Why? –That thing in your hand, is that a "Gramophone" core? |
Severin | This is the only physical evidence of the scale of the fire. It was undoubtedly started by overloading this core. But Biederman... wasn't Leithanien. Even if he could somehow get his hands on this core... He... would not have been able to master the Originium Arts that caused it to overload and incinerate those people. He'd only been here for half a year. Not to mention the L-44 "Gramophone" system is a rather new product. If he really learned how to do this is in such a short time, he should have gone to the Central University and joined one of the Spires. |
GreyThroat | So... |
Severin | Yes. Even now, we're still not sure who the real killer is. Aside from the collection of disasters that devastated our town and made our jobs even more difficult... ...We have nothing. |
GreyThroat | Let's not be too quick to lose hope. These are all pretty shallow inferences. Do Folinic and Suzuran know about this? So much has happened, but they're the ones who would be affected the most by this. |
Ayerscarpe | ...Honestly, I don't know how to break the news to them. |
Severin | Miss Folinic has been struggling to accept the emptiness of her vengeance. That may be selfish, but it's what's best for everyone. |
GreyThroat | ...Or, we can continue searching for the truth. |
Severin | Most of the rebels have been arrested. Others left with Mudrock. But there are still some out there protesting. After all that, no one's in much of a mood for trouble. But the jail isn't in good shape. Not to mention, the riots also damaged a lot of supplies. Rations are getting even tighter. |
GreyThroat | I know. |
Severin | Now then... how is Tatjana? |
GreyThroat | She was under a lot of stress to begin with. Seeing that snapped her. The psychological damage is a lot more serious than her mild burns. |
Severin | I see... That's my fault... *cough* *cough*—*hack* *cough*! If we continue down this road, it's only going to cause more conflict. |
Ayerscarpe | You have long since given up on the truth. If you had these doubts from the beginning, but still went along with it, that only means... |
Severin | No. Let me be clear about one thing. Biederman is still the prime suspect from all the information we have so far. And these two questions about the means and his ability do not clear him. The evidence still points to him. |
Ayerscarpe | I cannot deny that. At the end of the day, it is possible that Contingency Contract may have some methods we are not aware of. The truth still eludes us. |
Severin | I had given up on pursuing any truth when they told me I couldn't have a funeral for my son. As for what I really want? I just want... the survivors to at least... be able to... *cough* *cough*, *cough* *cough* *cough*–! |
GreyThroat | If that's what you really want, you should go to Rhodes Island for an examination. |
Severin | You're trembling. |
GreyThroat | It's no secret that I still have some... fear... of the Infected. |
Severin | Fear...? Hah. You fought that hard for all of us and it turns out you're afraid of the Infected? Maybe Rhodes Island really is trustworthy. |
GreyThroat | Oh, about your infection... I think Folinic wanted to ask... When did it happen? |
Severin | If I had known you were so hostile to the Infected, Miss GreyThroat, I probably wouldn't have hidden it. |
GreyThroat | I'm the one who should be sorry. I've... gotten used to my fear. |
Severin | When those old Winterwisp clansmen were out there killing nobles and merchants, I was out there hunting them. The last of them had set up camp by the lake. He knew I was coming. I guess he spotted my shadow. And he stabbed me in the chest with a chunk of Originium. |
Ayerscarpe | He was Infected too. |
Severin | Yes... Yes, he was. I couldn't finish him off. I thought he was planning to fight to the death, but his and my revenge both came to an end. |
Ayerscarpe | What happened? |
Severin | The look on his face at the last moment before we tumbled into the lake together was very... strange. It was like... regret. That old man was self-conscious of the relief he felt. Just like how he sang his life away while we fought Reunion and the insurgents. Kind of frustrating. He... he died. Oripathy had failed to take him over the years. The last proper Winterwisp clansman, the aboriginal people of this land, had died. The Infected split from us, and the populace could no longer stand the absurdity of the nobles. They rose up. And that's where it ended. |
<Background 2> | |
[Suzuran rushes to Tatjana.] | |
Suzuran | Miss Tatjana! |
Tatjana | Oh... it's you. I'm so glad... you're alright... |
Folinic | Yes. You look much better. |
Tatjana | Hehe... maybe I really do push myself too hard, if I'm always falling down at times like this. ...... I've been... forcing myself not to think about Thor. But his smile... his pain... the fire burning his body... I'm sorry. I'm doing it again. |
Folinic | It's okay. We both... know. |
Tatjana | But at least the killer paid for what he did. |
Folinic | ...... Maybe. |
Tatjana | Miss Folinic? |
Folinic | No... never mind... You're right. |
Tatjana | But Wolumonde... still has a lot of problems ahead of her... First and foremost, the Infected... |
Suzuran | I'm sorry. I actually knew about Mr. Severin's condition. He asked me not to tell anyone. I should have told everyone as soon as he talked about using Originium Arts to operate the refrigeration unit in the control room. But... He's in a lot of pain too. Everyone is. |
Folinic | Those who couldn't bear it... have already been thrown in jail. The rest... are just like me. |
<Background 3> | |
Click | Everyone! Over here! |
Ayerscarpe | The route has been mapped out, and I believe a small group could make it back to Rhodes Island safely. |
Click | Wow, that was an unforgettable experience. Should I document it? Or try to forget it anyway? |
Ayerscarpe | Just don't use it to make money. |
Click | Give me a little credit! |
Suzuran | This route... Would this route allow the people of Wolumonde to evacuate safely? |
Ayerscarpe | Hard to say... That's a lot of people, with even more wounded and prisoners. You can't leave the prisoners to die. |
Folinic | Right. Where's GreyThroat? |
Ayerscarpe | She... left. She had to see someone. She'll join us later. |
Folinic | Oh? I'll go get her. |
Ayerscarpe | There's no need for– |
Folinic | No... There is. I'm going to get her. |
<Background 1> | |
Townsfolk | We should elect a new Schultz at once! But after all he's done for us, we shouldn't be so fickle. |
Townsfolk | E-even so, we can't let an Infected wander the streets in broad daylight. |
Townsfolk | We should decide after we see the results of Schultz Severin's medical examination. He might... |
Townsfolk | No matter what the examination says, we can't have an Infected leading us! What will the nobles say? Would tourists or merchants come to a town patrolled by an Infected? |
Townsfolk | Hey! Hey! Outpost reports a convoy approaching! They're flying a Gendarmerie flag! |
Townsfolk | What?! |
Townsfolk | L-let's go see if the receiver still works. We have to confirm their IFF— |
<Background black> | |
...... In the midst of the crowd's debate, the former Schultz, Severin Hawthorn himself, has long since fallen asleep from exhaustion. | |
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He dreams of the moon moving forward across a shining plain, and women look up to the stars while men rebuild the towers. | |
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He dreams that a giant rises out of the earth, his fallen son, and the giant casts away all the calamities, filling up the sundered land with its godlike power. He dreams of the giant lifting his town onto his shoulders, carrying it toward the melting ice. He dreams of songs floating on the wind, of the earth speaking, of Originium sinking back into the ground, and Oripathy disappearing from the world. | |
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He dreams that the giant is Winterwisp, snow and water, the cradle of community, savagery, and civilization. He dreams that the giant stands firm. He is tired, and his violent bronchial spasms do not bring him back to reality. | |
<Background black> | |
He continues to dream of leaning against his sickle, looking out over fields of golden wheat. He laughs in his dream, until he weeps. It is the first time he's cried since losing his son. |