- This article is about the PV. For the Operator herself, see Texas the Omertosa.
“ | "Fattene una ragione!" "Sei ancora..." "...una siracusana." | ” |
—Description[note 1] |
[Texas the Omertosa] Preview is a trailer/PV released for Arknights, acting as a teaser to the Il Siracusano event.
The PV is narrated in Italian by Texas' grandfather, Salvadore Texas.
The PV receives acclaim from the Global server players, especially those of Italian descent, for its usage of Italian.
Salvadore Texas: Purtroppo è così: nessuno può sfuggire al proprio passato. (Nobody can escape their past. That's just how it is.)
Salvadore is shown...
Salvadore Texas: Neppure la mia famiglia. (Not even my family.)
...in a TV screen on a house...
Salvadore Texas: Un tempo eravamo potenti... avevamo il controllo su qualsiasi cosa! (We were great once... there was a time when we controlled everything!)
...while Cellinia Texas is searching through dresses in a drawer. A lightning flashes.
Salvadore Texas: Ma non è rimasto nulla. La pioggia ha spazzato via tutto. (But nothing's left. The rain washed away everything.)
The house's door closes as a group of men runs past the door.
Salvadore Texas: È il codice d'ordine dettato da Signora Sicilia. (This is the code of order dictated by Signora Sicilia.)
The door is breaking...
Salvadore Texas: È questo è il prezzo per averlo violato. (Such is the price for breaking her code.)
...as a wolf's head escutcheon is shown from a mirror...
Salvadore Texas: Anche se non siamo più a Siracusa... (Though we're no longer in Siracusa...)
...while Cellinia, now wearing a blue suit, looks at her reflection on the mirror.
Salvadore Texas: ...anche se ci piace pensare di aver abbandonato le postre vecchie identità... (...though we like to think that we'd left our old identities behind us...)
Another lightning flashes as two mirrors beside the first shows Cellinia's reflection. A flashback shows Cellinia in a red suit as a house behind her burns...
Salvadore Texas: ...anche se abbiamo fatto tutto il possibile per evitare questo... (...though we did everything in our power to avoid it...)
...and Lappland Saluzzo is shown confronting her.
Salvadore Texas: ...ci troverà sempre. Non c'è via da fuga. (...it will always catch up to us. There is no escape.)
Back to the present, Cellinia prepares to leave with a pair of swords in her back as rain pours outside.
Salvadore Texas: Il nostro sangue appartiene qui! Questo è l'unico posto dove dovrebbe scorrere! (Our blood belongs here! This is the only place where our blood should flow!)
A lightning flashes as Cellinia steps outside.
Salvadore Texas: Fattene una ragione! (Face it!)
Another lightning flashes as the screen blacks out.
Salvadore Texas: Sei ancora... una siracusana. (You are still a... Siracusan.)
The credits, using an identical font as that of in The Godfather's poster, rolls with the following:
The End
Il Siracusano
starring[sic] Cellinia Texas