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The Anonymous Ones' War
Operational Intelligence

He woke up, finding that neither heaven nor hell had taken him. He was still in Chernobog.
Reunion Soldier B icon
Reunion Soldier
Reunion Soldier B icon
Reunion Troops
Chernobog Ruined Streets Frozen
A Rhodes Island operator is rescued by Scout. When he comes to, he happens to Hellagur speaking with Patriot.
Carrying the words Scout left him, the guard also makes up his mind.
Background-Chernobog Ruins
<Background 1>
Vanguard Operator Ugh...
Huh? Wh– what happened...?
What am I doing here... why am I laying here...?
I remember! We were infiltrating Chernobog to rescue Dr. {nickname}
Boss! No, no, the boss, he...
Huh? What's this paper?
Hold up, this... It's Rhodes Island engineering stationary.
Who could've left it here? What the hell happened?
Woah, that's a lot of big words, and they're all over the place...
Operator whose name I do not know, hide yourself well. I had no opportunity to check your plate, nor do I remember your name.
Please pardon the hastily scrawled nature of this message, as I am wanting for time. Do me the favor of reading to the end.
First, do not fret. You are safe, for the moment.
However, you must not, under any circumstances, leave these ruins. The probability of the enemy spotting you before nightfall is quite high.
To put it simply, you are at present completely surrounded by the enemy.
Vanguard Operator This isn't the boss's handwriting... did it even come from Rhodes Island?
They sure wrote a lot. Why didn't they just wake me up and tell me—
??? You came.
Vanguard Operator (Huh? A voice? Is it Reunion? Shit!)
(...No, wait, it sounds familiar. It's that guy from the clinic—)
Hellagur You have managed to completely paralyze Chernobog. I am not sure whether I should be congratulating you.
Hellagur We have both contracted Oripathy.
??? It truly is you.
I thought. It was just rumors.
Hellagur It's been years, Buldrokkas'tee.
Or is it "Patriot" now?
Patriot So. You remember me.
Hellagur Were it not for you charging so boldly into the fortress with that shield of yours, Barclay, Semyon, and I would surely have died at the hands of Kazimierz's Silverlance, Pegasus Order of Knighthood.
Patriot My warriors. Are brave. Do not fear sacrifice.
Hellagur Hm. Your manner of speech is quite different now than it was years ago.
I once witnessed you rousing the troops with your rhetoric, driving even Barclay the Bald Butcher to cheer your name. No easy feat.
Patriot The infection. Changed my vocal cords. Now. It is difficult. For me to speak. Fluently. Ridiculous.
As is this identity you have constructed.
Patriot Oh?
Hellagur So, the Northern Tundra Guerrillas... that was you leading them. I never would have imagined you could be running around with dozens of Wendigos.
That cavalry commander, Alyosha Bluebeard, he made a bet with me that you would become Grand Marshal of the Ursus Army.
Patriot Just staff captain, General. Times have changed.
Hellagur ...I was jesting. But your loyalty, your record, and the plans you would devise in our staff meetings... You truly were one of the finest officers in all of Ursus.
Patriot You go too far. I am Sarkaz, after all.
Hellagur If someone like you couldn't become colonel, the entire Ursus High Command should have been court-martialed.
Of course, most of them are long dead.
Patriot Then, I have outlasted them. Your colleagues, are mostly dead.
And, His Majesty said, the army serves the country. Not their careers.
Hellagur He also once said it is not blood that binds the Ursus people together, but conviction. What of that now? I can only hope His Majesty is ready to rest in peace.
All our recent Emperors have seen you as nothing more than monsters. You are not Ursus warriors to them. They have done everything they can to oppress your people.
Patriot That one, more enlightened Emperor. Has already passed. This, I understand.
The war beasts. Of Ursus. Could drown the world, with their numbers. I am not special.
Hellagur Then it is not because of the Army that you left.
Patriot Correct. I do not care. I want only to stand, shoulder to shoulder. With my warriors.
General, sit. Drink, with me. I have some. From the north.
Hellagur ...Time grows short. Let us save it for next time.
Patriot Oh... Very well.
No matter.
Go to 4th street. Find survivors. Do not threaten them. Minimize casualties. Look for supplies. Our stocks, are low, as always.
Reunion Troops Yes, sir!
[The Reunion troopers leave Patriot and Hellagur alone.]
<Background fades out and in>
Patriot I feared you dead.
Hellagur Life underground is a sort of death. Who I am today has little to do with who I was.
Patriot You hide, here? Less than ideal.
Hellagur Chernobog has long been uninhabitable. The Catastrophe makes little difference to that effect.
Patriot Seems you must leave.
Hellagur The clinic has been extensively looted. We evacuated beforehand, but the loss is still substantial.
It was only after I heard the rumors of your presence that I decided to stay here and see for myself.
Patriot I do not deserve, such attention. It is dangerous, here.
Hellagur I wanted only to see how one of my few remaining brothers has weathered the years.
Patriot You did not. Those ties broke. Long ago.
Hellagur Hmph...
Patriot ...I will find out, who did it. Your clinic. That was, an aberration.
Hellagur There is no need. At least, with you here, it is very unlikely that Reunion is responsible.
Patriot I cannot be sure. Reunion, can be, hard to control. There are some, communication barriers.
Still, General. You could join, Reunion.
If Ursus was, to be liberated. Then the Infected, and the others, could live. As equals.
Hellagur ......
Look here. Look around us. Look at this building impaled by Originium.
Patriot I see it.
Hellagur This was once a shopping mall. All the people in a three block radius depended on this building for their very survival.
Patriot The Catastrophe. Destroyed Chernobog. Destroyed the fortress, destroyed the city. I do not agree with, the methods. But this was, necessary. We had, no choice.
Hellagur It was not long ago that the clocktower was done up in colorful lights. Another dazzling array hung over the intersection below, bathing it in a warm glow.
Patriot The Infected, had no right, to enjoy those lights.
Hellagur You want to make the lights glow again, and I simply want to build another market. This is the difference between us.
Patriot —There was a time. When you would not. Compromise like this.
Hellagur Perhaps. There may not be such a bright future at Rhodes Island, but I cannot say I feel much for this place either.
Patriot You simply do not, wish to fight your motherland. General.
Look at this city. Look at the Infected. Look at the mall, ruined by Originium. Look at the dead.
And you. You have never, been afraid, to get your hands dirty.
Hellagur Correct. Should Ursus move violently against us, we will not hesitate to fight back.
But Reunion's actions are rather outside my idea of fighting back. Look at this broken city beneath our feet—Reunion is provoking a war.
And how many people would die in such a war? How many Ursus lives would a civil war cost?
Imagine it. The Ursus devouring itself. Massacring itself. Obliterating itself.
Patriot General.
Patriot What if, the Ursus, treated the Infected, as Ursus?
Then, there would be, no war.
Reunion Soldier Excuse me.
Patriot What?
Reunion Soldier Reporting in. The leadership has made a statement: Chernobog is now completely under our control. We are broadcasting on all frequencies.
The leadership has asked for a situation report from each division.
Patriot Right. I'll take care of it.
Sorry, General. Wait a minute.
[Patriot leaves.]
Does Reunion truly understand what they are doing?
Reunion Soldier ......
How am I supposed to answer you, old man?
Or were you not really asking? I guess all I can say is we're following the commander.
No matter what the commander does, we're behind him.
If it's right, he'll do it. If it's wrong, he'll change.
We believe in Talulah and we believe in the commander. We fight for the Infected. Got it?
Hellagur ......
<Background fades out and in>
[Patriot returns.]
Patriot General.
Hellagur Reunion has won a great victory. And yet I do not detect any joy in your voice.
Patriot Should I be? Happy...?
If the Ursus will it, any city, will be flattened.
Such an outcome, is most challenging. This battle, it confuses me. The Ursus response.
Hellagur The war has already begun. There is no turning back now.
Patriot Perhaps. I have been foolish.
However, if I do nothing. The chains of the Infected, will grow heavier.
Should we lose, our conception of the struggle, we move toward annihilation.
Hellagur So you do understand the situation. You do know what you have done.
Patriot Yes. We are, fighting for our lives.
Hellagur Then I have no further questions.
Reunion Soldier Reporting in!
Patriot Subcity Sector 3, damage report?
Reunion Soldier Yes, sir!
Patriot Spare me the details. Save the civilians. It is dangerous. Protect yourselves. Don't be heroes.
Bring a caster. Use drones to scout. That's what they're for.
Reunion Soldier Understood!
Patriot Right...
Where is it, you plan to go?
Hellagur Rhodes Island.
Vanguard Operator ...?!
Patriot Ah, I see. Rhodes Island.
But. Reunion has just. Attacked Rhodes Island.
Vanguard Operator Why you...
Amiya and Dobermann, I hope they're okay...
What should I do? What can I do right now...?
Hellagur —If they move into Chernobog at a time like this, everyone would view Rhodes Island as an enemy.
Why would they do this?
Patriot Unclear. But, there is nothing I can do, to stop the conflict.
We just had a warrior. Fighting alone. A Sarkaz mercenary.
And, the one from, Rhodes Island, was also Sarkaz.
Hellagur The same sort of misery... There is no difference between them and Reunion.
Patriot The masses. Fooled by the Ursus. But to us, we are compatriots.
Vanguard Operator Huh? A Sarkaz... from Rhodes Island?
Patriot But a mercenary. Fights for fighting's sake. Rhodes Island's warrior. Has a reason to fight.
He lost. But he shot dead, many elite troops. The new mercenary captain, was at a loss.
And, the enemy. He led away from the ruins.
Vanguard Operator !?
Patriot He wanted to hide something. He did.
In the ashes. Was this thing. Please, return it to them.
A true warrior... with no name.
Hellagur I will.
Vanguard Operator A Sarkaz... Don't tell me that was Scout protecting me...?
Hellagur A true warrior...
Yes. You have said as much before.
Patriot Go on.
Hellagur Thirty some years ago, you wanted to have a test of sorts with me.
Patriot Now? No longer.
My armor. You could not pierce it. It would be unfair.
Hellagur This armor is well past its prime. A far cry from the days when the Army performed regular maintenance on it.
Patriot My armor, is Ursus. I am a, traitor to the Empire. It will deteriorate. More and more.
Hellagur And that is why you bear the name you do. When the Empire has done wrong, you stand up to her.
Patriot I cannot say, General. I did not choose, this name.
Hellagur "Patriot," is war with Ursus the correct course of action?
Patriot Naturally. Our war, is righteous. If not, the countless sacrifices. Were in vain.
General. We both know, the true solution.
Patriot But they must not, die in vain. Their deaths. Must have meaning.
Hellagur But you have already risen up, against Ursus.
Patriot What I oppose. Is the Empire. Not the land. Not the people. Not Ursus itself.
If the Minister of Medicine. Did this. He is our enemy.
If a conspiracy, of the legislature. We overthrow the legislature.
If the Army, fabricated resistance. We destroy the army.
Talulah's goals are broad. Far-reaching. Mine are localized. And specific.
The past wars of Ursus, were just. Now, the war of the Infected, is just.
I fight for justice. Justice, forever belongs to Ursus.
<Background fades out and in>
[A Reunion soldier comes to Patriot's side.]
Reunion Soldier Reporting in! We have arrested some Reunion operatives who engaged in undisciplined behavior during the uprising. Here are their names!
There were no operatives from Teams 2, 3, or 6 among the primary instigators.
Patriot These are but a small part.
Reunion Soldier Well, I'm afraid... this was a difficult investigation.
Many of our comrades despise the Chernobogians. They're hesitant to inform on each other...
Patriot This undisciplined behavior. They laid hands on civilians?
Reunion Soldier ......
Didn't they deserve it, after how cruel and uncaring they were?!
Were it not for them, how many more Infected would have made it? Please, Commander...!
Patriot They laid hands on civilians?
Reunion Soldier ......
Patriot Listen.
Hang them. The instigators. Have my men, do it.
Tell them. Mephisto. Crownslayer.
Reunion Soldier ......Yes, sir.
Patriot ...The rest, demerits.
Reunion Soldier D- demerits, sir?
Patriot One more infraction, death. All of this, inform the leadership.
Reunion Soldier Right! Yes, sir!
[The Reunion soldier leaves.]
<Background fades out and in>
Patriot Hate. Has grown too deep.
If we don't fight. Hate overwhelms. It will blind Ursus.
Hellagur I never imagined Reunion was so disorganized... And when you always had such high expectations for discipline. Higher than most Ursus.
Patriot Most of them, are not soldiers. They have no training. They must be taught. In discipline, we have strength.
Hellagur As your conflict continues to intensify, neither side will be able to sue for peace. Perhaps you are right. This is the awakening Ursus needs.
Patriot General, you could. Help us.
Hellagur I am afraid not, "Patriot." I will never again step into a war.
Patriot ...Indeed. This is, a war.
You do not, wish to fight. This, I know.
Hellagur Ursus no longer has anything for me. Time has run its course.
I no longer feel for the country what I once did. Forgive me. The man who stands before you is nothing but a spineless coward.
Patriot No! No. You are not.
Would that, my son, had lived. I would not, have walked this path. I understand you.
Hellagur He... what?
...He was a great man. I am sorry.
Patriot Why apologize, General? You did nothing. I am damned.
Oh, yes. The knife in your hand. Yes. You adopted, the daughter, of the enemy commander.
My daughter, is older. When, next we meet. I will bring her.
Hellagur Hah. I hope they get along.
<Background fades out and in>
[Reunion soldiers rush in, carrying injured ones with them.]
Reunion Soldier A We have wounded! Get their blood types! Don't mix up the Infected and Uninfected! Quickly!
Reunion Soldier B You can give Uninfected blood to the Infected!
Reunion Soldier A Who's the next of kin?
Forget it, just get to safety! Britt... move it!
Patriot Talulah's attack, on Rhodes Island. This misunderstanding. Will be hard to, clear up.
I do not wish, to fight you. If this cannot, be solved.
Hellagur This may go beyond what we can solve ourselves.
Patriot ...General.
It saddens me. That we cannot, once again, fight side by side.
Hellagur ...Listen to me, "Patriot"...
I alone have never been able to decide the fate of Ursus.
Countless generals before me have sought to become masters of the Empire's destiny, and to a man they all died miserable failures.
Just as the many emperors have escaped the wrath of history.
The Empire has weathered its crises and enjoyed its golden ages. The sorcerors[sic] can divine the Empire's future, the ministers can plan the outcomes of campaigns, courtiers can study the shifting Catastrophes...
I have never participated in any political machinations. Not in the legislature, not in the army. Never.
They always embarrassed me with their confidence. Everyone who thought his victory certain saw his dreams shattered. Everyone who thought his survival assured is now dead.
<Background fades out>
??? Mama, what are we going to eat tonight?
Potatoes again? I, I don't wanna eat boiled potatoes again!
Huh? You have to go fight? Mama, you don't have to fight.
Uncle, does Mama have to go with you again? I want her to stay! I don't want Mama to go!
Uncle, please make Mama stay. When Daddy went with you, he never came back...
I don't wanna be alone again, Uncle...
<Background fades in>
Hellagur Win or lose, a war is a war.
And where we go, ruin follows. Only ruin.
We are but pawns on the chessboard of war. And who cares for the pawns? Who cares to even know theirs?
Patriot You, are correct. I, am correct. War, doesn't care, who is correct.
Yet you persist. I persist.
Hellagur For what? "Patriot" of Reunion, I ask you:
No matter what meaning your war may hold...
After however many years this Ursus campaign takes, when you have filled mass graves in a dozen cities, will their lives have meant anything? Will anyone remember their names?
Patriot Names? Mean nothing. Warriors don't think, of these things.
Hellagur You call them warriors...
Sometimes, these less people cannot articulate their reasons for joining in battle.
Now, they have no chance to do so.
I have grown tired of such things. I now wish only to protect those around me. At least this small thing is within my power.
To Ursus, to the Infected,
This is all I can say.
Patriot I can't blame you, General. You don't need, to face death again.
Oripathy, will kill me, sooner or later. I am a warrior. I want my death, to have meaning.
Hellagur I am glad you have a reason to keep fighting. I truly hope you will find happiness.
Patriot ...Hm. General. Listen.
Hellagur I'm here.
Patriot You don't fear death. If you did, you would be, at Rhodes Island.
You stay. You listen. You don't fear Catastrophe.
You want to know. Reunion's goal.
Hellagur In fact, I want to know what you plan for the Infected of Ursus.
Patriot Then. I will, tell you.
You are tired, of fighting. I fight, for you.
The rights, of the Infected. You and your children. I fight to free you, all.
You are tired, of fighting. Good. Wallow in disgust. To end war, is also good.
My days, are numbered. I will fight, to the end.
Hellagur ......
You truly are an Ursus.
And this truly is a tragic war.
It may come to pass that I never again set foot on Ursus soil.
Listen well, Buldrokkas'tee.
You shall not be my enemy. Ever.
Patriot ——
I do regret. That I never, served under you.
General, you shall not, be my enemy. Either.

It's late, General. My men will, get you out, of the city. Easily.
Hellagur I would not want to cause problems for you with your leadership.
Patriot You won't. General.
She does not care.
Hellagur Splendid. Then I accept.
[Hellagur is about to leave, but...]
Hellagur Hm?
Patriot ......
I hope... I pray...
That you find yourself. A true home, for yourself.
<Background fades out and in>
Vanguard Operator ......
Scout... why did you do this for me?
I'm garbage! Why did you think I'm worth saving...?!
What am I even doing? I just got a bunch of great intel off Reunion, but who am I supposed to give it to?
Maybe we got them all wrong? I guess if we could clear up this misunderstanding, maybe we wouldn't have to...
Oh right... this paper. Were there any orders written on it?
I can do it, Scout... anything you tell me to do...
I won't let the boss down...!
<Flashback starts here>
<Background fades out and in>
Scout I have a humble request, if I might be so bold. As recompense, I took the liberty of treating your wounds. You are, for the time being, out of mortal danger.
So I ask that you entertain my frivolous trifles.
My objective for this operation is to rescue the Doctor. Amiya is quite insistent on this matter. She cannot be persuaded otherwise.
Ace and Amiya are of one mind. They firmly believe that only by rescuing the Doctor can Rhodes Island break this deadlock.
Assuming the good Doctor retains the same mental faculties as before, Rhodes Island might well be looking at a golden age.
But weak as I am, I am uncertain...
I am not certain I have the fortitude to undertake such a golden age.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background fades out and in>
Vanguard Operator What...? What does that mean?
<Flashback starts here>
<Background fades out and in>
Scout Over the past three years, I have suffered many losses, and bid farewell to those like unto my own flesh and blood.
I always believed that as long as one of us lived on, we could someday be reunited. In this spirit I have served Rhodes Island.
But having lost so much, now I see that even a perpetual pessimist like Misery seeks to bring back the Doctor.
He believes with every fiber of his being that we are destined for a future of endless victories, that we shall put death and loss behind us.
I do not share this belief.
It is not that I doubt the Doctor's skill. The Doctor can indeed tip the scales. Without the Doctor, Kazdel would be dust in the wind.
In fact, it was the Doctor who taught me what it means to fight.
And yet... With the Doctor commanding us... looking into the Doctor's eyes, one sees only victory.
Nothing but victory. I see nothing, save victory.
Nothing else in those eyes.
And so I am left thinking: the truth that Kal'tsit is so unwilling to reveal, does it have to do with the Doctor?
In these three years, why must we draw more and more crosses onto the photos of our friends? Why do these sacrifices grow more and more frequent? Why do we fight without understanding the fundamental goals of our organization?
I dare not speculate. I cannot speculate.
If the Doctor must be forged in the crucible of war, then we force this professor to transform from an educator and a researcher into a war machine...
And as such, it would be a truly grave mistake for us to ask Dr. {nickname} to march into battle.
The Doctor should not command even one more battle. For Rhodes Island's sake, and for the Doctor's own sake.
...Forgive my naiveté.
I recognize that my ideas are rather juvenile... and have therefore thus far been unwilling to disclose them.
I can only imagine how the others would laugh at me. I do not like being laughed at. And I had planned to carry these thoughts with me to my grave.
But then it came down to this. And I found the hope that someone might join me in taking up this idea...
I want the Doctor to begin anew.
If the Doctor could live without any connection to Rhodes Island, if the Doctor could stand again, having no memory of these preceding events...
If the Doctor could avoid walking once more the path of war, then all would be well.
I bear only this unrealistic hope.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background fades out and in>
Vanguard Operator ......
<Flashback starts here>
<Background fades out and in>
Scout Forgive my verbosity. If you have no interest, then simply forget these words altogether.
Right. There are three things you may not forget.
First: Say to Dr. {nickname} the following,
"I will never forget fighting side by side with you, Doctor."
Second: My squad.

Slink, Pter, Scorpion, Leafa, Milim, Tipsy, Slanna, Mimi, Mary, Thumbtack, Mudflower, and Macron.
My squad, twelve of them.
They broke through the enemy lines and held off their reinforcements. Were it not for them, I would never have been able to neutralize their mercenary commander.
However, we lost all twelve of these exemplary operators in the course of their duties.
I beg you, bear witness to their actions.
Should one ask, you must tell them for me:
While no one will remember the names of my squadmates, they must remember that they died with honor. They did not shrink in the face of death.
Of course, I know many have given their lives in service of the project that is Rhodes Island. No one's death is unique.
We do not fight for any one individual life. To do so would dishonor their deaths.
Tell the one who asks: they gave their lives for what they believed in.
You must go on living for yourself. My Rhodes Island brother whose name I do not know, I have said so much to you, not that you should go off and die.
Life is precious. You must live to pursue that bright future.
That is all, my brother.
Treasure your life.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background fades out and in>
Vanguard Operator Why...
The Doctor... Rhodes Island...
<Background fades out and in>
Patriot Warrior!
Vanguard Operator !
Patriot You can hear, my voice.
You have a chance, to escape. Wait, until nightfall.
Head south. Avoid the light. You have one chance. Tonight.
There are many, in Chernobog, who need help. You can, see them.
The choice. Is yours.
<Background black>
Vanguard Operator ......
Boss, Scout, our brothers...
I'll do it.