Arknights Wiki
This article pertains to a subject that is not yet released in the Global server of Arknights.
This enemy's name/description/ability are tentative translations which may not represent the official localization and will be updated when The Abandoned Lighthouse is announced or released in the Global server of Arknights.

The Thirsty One is a boss enemy in the Stationary Security Service game mode of Arknights. It is the main boss of The Abandoned Lighthouse.


It used to have an Iberian name until it threw that away into the ocean and disappeared into the abyss. Alas, embracing the seawater is not enough to moisten its dried throat, and the bright red liquid rushing through its veins is equally alluring, so it returns to the land. It craves more.


An Iberian of unknown background who transformed into a malformed, bloodthirsty Sea Terror which explains the disappearance of people visiting the abandoned lighthouse, The Thirsty One has extremely high HP, DEF, and RES that make it difficult to bring down, although its ATK is lower in turn. In addition, it has multiple abilities that can debilitate an entire squad, but can be counteracted with strong healing power.

  • The Thirsty One's attacks inflict Nervous Impairment build-up equal to 50% of its ATK.
  • Every 40 seconds, The Thirsty One will add an Absorber Limb to the Deployment Waiting Zone and, after 3 seconds, fire debris at 2 friendly units anywhere on the map, dealing Arts damage and Nervous Impairment build-up equal to 100% and 50% of its ATK, respectively. The debris attack will target three units from Danger Level 12 and four from Danger Level 15.
  • Whenever an Absorber Limb is made to disappear by fully healing it, The Thirsty One has its DEF and RES permanently reduced by 100 and 5 respectively, and a Neuronal Revival will be added into the Deployment Waiting Zone. However, as long as at least one Limb is present, whether deployed ones and those in the Waiting Zone, while The Thirsty One is also present, all friendly units will take 10 True damage and 25 Nervous Impairment build-up every second per Limb.
  • Whenever The Thirsty One loses 15% of its maximum HP, it will Stun three friendly units on the map for 8 seconds, stop moving, and protect itself with a barrier that absorbs damage equal to its missing HP and lasts for 20 seconds; if the barrier is not destroyed within said timeframe, all friendly units will receive 1000 Nervous Impairment build-up – enough to instantly proc the Nervous Impariment without Elemental Damage build-up reductions.
    • The amount of Stunned friendlies when the barrier is created will be increased by 1 in each subsequent activation of this ability, capped at six, and will be reset whenever the barrier is destroyed.


Stationary Security Service Fallen Tides


AttributeLevel 0
Elemental Resistance0
Attack interval2.7 sec.
Movement speed0.2 tiles/sec.
Life Point penalty2


Silence Stun Sleep Freeze Levitate
Cross Cross Cross Cross Cross