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The Troupe Mouthpiece acts as a boss enemy in the Integrated Strategies game mode where he is one of the possible final bosses of Phantom & Crimson Solitaire.


The host of the Grand Drama, its mind is completely taken up by its dazzling Arts. The moment it abandoned the Witch King, its curse was deeply etched into the betrayer's spirit. Even so, who cares?

Drains 30 Objective HP when entering the Objective Point; Attacks two targets at once and inflicts Nervous Impairment; Permanently invulnerable; Controls ["Host's Assistants"] in combat. ["Host's Assistant"] reduces the ATK of nearby allied units and continuously deals True damage to them; Loses HP whenever a ["Host's Assistant"] is killed.


The host of the Grand Drama. Permanently invulnerable. Controls "Host's Assistants" in combat. Loses HP whenever a "Host's Assistant" is killed.

The Troupe Mouthpiece is unique in the sense that he is always invulnerable, and thus cannot be directly attacked in any way. Instead, the player must work around his unique gimmick to defeat the Mouthpiece, while also getting past his very high ATK and special abilities.

  • The Mouthpiece's attacks can hit up to two targets within range simultaneously and inflicts Nervous Impairment build-up equal to 20% of his ATK.
  • 10 seconds after he spawns and every 45 seconds afterwards, the Mouthpiece deploys several Host's Assistants on any of the 10 designated tiles, which reduces the ATK of friendly units in the surrounding tiles by 30% and constantly deals Pure damage to them until destroyed, at which the Mouthpiece loses 10% of his maximum HP; this is the only way to reduce his HP.
    • If all 10 Assistants are deployed, the Mouthpiece will still deploy them, but the new one(s) will replace the old one(s).
    • Note that the Assistants have Negative Taunt, thus friendlies will attack enemies over them.
  • When the Mouthpiece's HP is reduced to 0 for the first time (by destroying 10 Host's Assistants), he will survive and fully restore his HP over the course of 10 seconds, during which he is unable to act; all Assistants present will also disappear when the Mouthpiece starts reviving. After he revives, all 10 Host's Assistants will be deployed simultaneously and they are also invulnerable for 10 seconds after deployment, but the Mouthpiece loses the ability to manually deploy them.

The Mouthpiece will deduct no less than 30 Life Points if he manages to enter a Protection Objective, which will cause the player to instantly fail the run unless they have at least 31 Life Points when this happens!


Integrated Strategies Twisted Every Way


AttributeLevel 0
Elemental Resistance0
Attack interval4 sec.
Movement speed0.5 tiles/sec.
Attack range2 tiles
Life Point penalty30


Silence Stun Sleep Freeze Levitate
Cross Cross Cross Cross Cross