The Type-β Headhunting Permit is a special headhunting item in Arknights.
- A special permit issued by the Rhodes Island HR Department with specific instructions for the headhunting agency. Can be used to headhunt for 10 Operators.
- Due to various strategic considerations, Rhodes Island conducted targeted headhunting in addition to batch recruitment in order to seek assistance from individuals with special talents.
A special derivative of Ten-roll Headhunting Permit, the Type-β Headhunting Permit functions identically with one exception – one of the following 6★ Operators are guaranteed to appear on any of the 10 pulls with it:
2020 | |
2021 | |
2022 | |
2023 |
Pulls from the Type-β Headhunting Permit are not counted towards the pull count for the pity system and getting 6★ Operators from any of the pulls will not reset the pull count either, so using the Type-β Headhunting Permit does not compromise the player's pity for other banners.
The Type-β Headhunting Permit is one of the three Headhunting Permit choices the player can pick by purchasing the Half Year Anniversary Headhunting Pack (2020) and Rhodes Island Headhunting Pack (2021 onwards) from the Packs Store, which is only available during the Global server's half-year anniversaries.