Get Ready Migration Legacy Wiki to UCP Wiki
I hope the Admin of Arknights Wiki read this, because Legacy Wiki (MediaWiki old version) not in use anymore and get step to back up all content (include CSS and JS costum) if the migration get issue like import content only transfer 90%...
Why? Fandom will migrate All Wiki (Except created wiki at 11 March 2020 above) with Mediawiki Old version (Legacy Wiki) to Mediawiki New Version it called UCP - Unified Community Platform.
What's change? You can read here. Rip classic editor...
About migration you can read here.
About Bug & Issue from UCP Feature, you can read here.
About UCP, you can read here.
Okay, that's all... I hope you like this UCP....
If you have a problem about UCP, you can visit Community Central
Hello there... After banned a few account incident from EN server... I want to warn you before that to prevent the incident appear again...
So, to the point:
1. Don't post your homescreen Arknights to any social platform (Facebook, Weibo, Bilibili, Twitter, Wikia, etc)
2. If you want to post your homescreen at any social platform with any your reason, please hide your UID (like #????), ID Number, LMD, and Orundum Prime.
3. Don't post your inventory and operator with detailed list to any social platform.
4. Don't post your setting -> account.
That's all...
PS: for who already share operator list and what server you play there in Arknight Wikia... Please, delete that (For delete History Edit like Log Edit in your profile, please inform to Administr…