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Vyseheim is a Leithanian nomadic city.


Background-Vyseheim Afterglow

A daylight view of the Afterglow's avenue

Just like any other Leithanian cities, Vyseheim is divided into many districts under the supervision of its Lehnsfrau Gertrude Strollo, and the local Infected are segregated from the other districts. Nevertheless, the local Infected plays a prominent role in the city's development, and the treatment is less harsh when compared with others. Thanks to the work of Czerny whose work, Morgen und Abend, arouse the nobles' interests, Vyseheim has gradually become a musical center in which it received financial support from the aristocrats in teaching and music instrument manufacturing. Ranging from orchestra to local folkdances, music could be found everywhere in the city.

The city's heart is an Infected district, the Afterglow, which was founded with a symbolic meaning following a rather tragic event. The place was originally an industrial plate filled with huge factories that fed the local Infected. After the Twin Empresses proclaimed an edict to improve the treatment of the Infected, the previous Lehnsmann of Vyseheim, Gertrude's father, assigned this district to segregate them. However, things did not seem promising as those factories were suddenly moved away and the facilities were torn down; the Infected believed that they were sent there just to starve and die. To make the matter worse, the nobles named it "Afterglow" which symbolized their life being as short as the twilight. Nevertheless, the locals gave it a positive meaning of living a meaningful life within their short lifespan. This, of course, lasted until Czerny's popularity in the city who voiced out his concern for their living condition.[1]

Years ago, the Afterglow experienced a strange phenomenon in which the locals' Oripathy were "healed" miraculously. Rhodes Island's investigation, however, proved that this is the result of an Arts effect which keeps their illness dormant. In fact, over the course, their medical condition has actually worsened. This Arts source is proven to be from the "Voice of Terra" possessing Kreide's and Ebenholz's mind following their stay there.

Afterglow Hall[]

Background-Afterglow Hall

A daylight view of the Afterglow Hall

As the center of the Afterglow, the Afterglow Hall appears to be a normal concert hall where numerous operas and performances are held. However, back in the days of the Witch King, the Hall was meant to be a gigantic Arts "amplifier." During the twilight of his reign, he ordered the construction of the Hall and shaped it to resemble his Spire. The tower was not a symbol of the Infected harmony but a terrifying fortress onto his enemies.[2]

After the Witch King's death, the Hall gradually became a normal convention hall, and much of its past was left forgotten. Even then, traces of the old days could still be found within the building such as its amplifying devices. During the Vyseheim incident, it was even used by the Remnants to spread the "Voice of Terra" and "resurrect" their majesty through the sacrifices of countless Infected.

Notable citizens[]

  • Ursula
    Ursula: Czerny's aunt who lives close to and takes care of him daily. While her nagging annoys Czerny sometimes, she is actually a caring motherly figure.
  • Kreide's Grandfather
    Kreide's Grandfather: An elderly Feline who raised Kreide following the Empresses' purge of the Remnants' experiment. Due to his past when he was forcefully Infected by the Witch King's supporters, he severely detests the Witch King and sees the Empresses as his savior. He has since been working as a secret agent serving the Empresses along with Biegler.





The name is a combination of two German words, Weise, a musical term meaning "tune,"[3] and heim, meaning "home,"[4] with the spelling for Weise being altered into its pronunciation form, /ˈvaɪ̯zə/ (vai-ze).


  1. LE-5 After
  2. LE-1 After
  3. Weise (Wkitionary)
  4. heim (Wiktionary)