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Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow: Case Investigation, Onsite
Previous WB-9 (Story)

As boring as the chess match is, a winner must be determined.
Shanhaizhong Member icon
Anxious Shanhaizhong Member
Shanhaizhong Member icon
Calm Shanhaizhong Member
Millenion B icon
Patrol Battallion Soldier
Yan Room
Lord Exorcist's Manor
Yumen Streets
Yumen Gate
Yumen Fortress
Yumen Desert
Things come to a close, but Wei Yenwu and the Grand Tutor still seem to have concerns. Chongyue bids farewell to old acquaintances in the city. He hears bells from the city towers in the great desert beyond Yumen.
<Background 1>
Ch'en How is Mr. Lin doing?
Lin Yühsia The doctor says he'll be fine.
It's just that his old injuries and overuse of Arts have taken a toll on him.
Dad is getting old, after all.
Ch'en Sometimes I forget how long Mr. Lin has served Lungmen.
Lin Yühsia Dad is not like Chief Wei. As the symbol of Lungmen, Chief Wei always stays in the public eye.
But Lungmen doesn't exactly want everyone remembering that there is a Rat King of Downtown.
Ch'en I heard Wei Yenwu dragged you into this.
Lin Yühsia It became my business when I chose to accept it, of my own accord.
And it all turned out fine, thanks to a certain someone.
Ch'en Tsk.
Lin Yühsia This incident also helped me answer a couple of questions.
Ch'en Are you going to Victoria? We could travel together.
Lin Yühsia No, my plans have changed.
I'm going back to Lungmen.
Ch'en What do you mean by "going back to Lungmen?"
Lin Yühsia I'm staying.
Throwing off your burdens sounds nice, but whatever you throw off, somebody else has to pick up.
Whether one leaves or stays is up to oneself, but someone has to take care of Lungmen.
Ch'en Mm...
Lin Yühsia I said that for me, but feel free to take it as a criticism, if you want.
Ch'en Glad to see you still have the strength to joke.
Lin Yühsia The daughter of the Rat King doesn't have to be the Rat King, but it doesn't mean she can't be.
She could be a different sort of Rat King.
This time, I made my own choice.
There are slums in Lungmen, but there shouldn't be. It's a job that someone has to do, no matter how many years go by.
The times are changing, but no one should be left behind.
Ch'en I believe that, when it's you saying it.
By the way...
Lin Yühsia What is it? Your turn to hem and haw?
Ch'en Have you seen Wei Yenwu these past few days?
<Background fades out and in>
Wei Yenwu Are you leaving, Grandmaster?
Chongyue Yes.
Once I've handed over my duties.
Speaking of which, I must thank you.
Wei Yenwu For what?
Chongyue You chose to trust Yumen.
And you chose to trust my friends.
Wei Yenwu It's all water under the bridge.
We suffered some losses, but we should count ourselves fortunate that the situation remained under control.
Chongyue More importantly, I saw how the people here remain united, even after so many years.
Yumen hasn't changed. Man will triumph over Heaven.
Now I can be at ease about leaving.
Wei Yenwu ......
There's no telling when we'll meet again.
Take care, Grandmaster.
Chongyue You too. Beware the intrigue of the court.
Wei Yenwu I will.
By the way, you said something about Ch'en's swordsmanship yesterday.
"Skillful, but not yet the peak of perfection."
Chongyue Yes, I remember.
Wei Yenwu Ch'en has talent, but she only just started learning the Chi Xiao style recently.
She has not mastered its true essence.
Chongyue Ah, you wanted to show off your skills.
Wei Yenwu I said before that Cloud-splitting sword is not actually Chi Xiao's ultimate move.
A Quiet Teachat
His fingers are his sword.
A light breeze begins blowing out of nowhere, creating tiny ripples in the teacup.
Wei Yenwu The ultimate move of Chi Xiao, Heaven's Eye.
Chongyue The form?
Wei Yenwu The eye of Heaven sees all and nothing.
Chongyue The concept?
Wei Yenwu Only when the clouds are parted is Heaven's wrathful eye revealed.
One must free one's mind to learn the form.
Chongyue The obstacle?
Wei Yenwu Let your heart guide the sword, never looking back.
Turn around, and the sword loses its sharpness, harming the user.
<Background 1>
Wei Yenwu Farewell.
[Wei Yenwu leaves the room.]
The breeze continues to blow, long after the chair is empty.
The man gazes into the ripples in the teacup, until a smile appears on his face.
Chongyue I have never seen the likes of it.
<Background 2>
Grand Tutor Come in.
[A Shadow Guard enters.]
Shadow Guard Grand Tutor.
Grand Tutor You understand that entering Yumen without permission is enough to carry the suspicion of treason on its own?
Shadow Guard Yes.
Lord Wei was attacked, and trapped in Yumen, while Yumen travels towards the capital...
We were concerned for Lord Wei's safety. The urgency of the situation did not allow for deliberation.
We have nothing but our lives to repay Lord Wei's kindness.
Grand Tutor Did Wei Yenwu tell you to look for him in Yumen if he did not return in three days?
Shadow Guard That is so.
Grand Tutor I can tell you now that both the assassination attempt on Wei Yenwu and the crisis at Yumen were accidents. There is no need to worry.
Shadow Guard I understand.
Grand Tutor Where were you when the Catastrophe happened?
Shadow Guard We operated in secret, eliminating insurgents stealthily.
Grand Tutor At least you did one thing you were supposed to.
You may go.
Shadow Guard We are not subject to the Grand Tutor's punishment?
Grand Tutor As far as the Imperial Guard is concerned, all of you are already dead.
I never saw you today.
Shadow Guard Yes, Grand Tutor.
[Wei Yenwu reveals himself.]
Wei Yenwu You knew.
Grand Tutor From the beginning.
And you never had any intention of hiding it from me.
Wei Yenwu Do you not reproach me for overstepping my boundaries?
Grand Tutor The situation remained under control thanks to the young envoy that you brought from Lungmen.
Wei Yenwu The Grand Commandant will soon learn of this incident.
Grand Tutor "Soon" is not the word I would use.
Wei Yenwu This is why I came to Yumen.
There is no consensus on how we should deal with the bestial Sui, whether we should prepare for war, or reconciliation. It is hard to see the forest when one is amongst the trees.
The minds of some of the parties concerned may no longer be on finding the right answer.
Grand Tutor You wanted to help the Lord Exorcist eliminate the insurgents out of a sense of duty to Yan.
As long as you don't lose sight of it, you won't need me to tell you what to do.
Wei Yenwu I will remember your teachings.
Grand Tutor You have always been a good student.
I remember when I taught you and your brother. You were always the quicker learner.
Wei Yenwu ......
<Background 3>
Chongyue Are you injured?
Qiubai Just a scratch.
Chongyue The Tumu Tianshi say it was you who protected the sand sluices.
Qiubai I let them get away, though.
By the way, I came to say goodbye.
Chongyue ...Alright.
Qiubai I will find a place where this sword will realize its potential, even if you're not with me anymore.
Chongyue I have no doubt you will succeed.
Qiubai There is no more hatred between us, but I haven't given up on surpassing you.
I'll come and find you, when I feel ready.
Chongyue Like I said, anytime you feel ready.
Qiubai See you again.
[Qiubai leaves as Ling shows up.]
Ling No regrets?
Chongyue What regrets?
Ling Who will she seek if one day It wakes from Its dream, and you and I return to the void?
Chongyue She managed to let go of her obsession with vengeance at her age. She will let another one go when I'm gone, and forgotten from her mind.
Then the sky is the limit for her on the path of kung fu.
Ling Well, you are the Grandmaster. You're the authority on kung fu.
Chongyue Speaking of which, I think you just gave birth to a new legend when you single-handedly turned away the Catastrophe on the walls.
Ling I was drunk. I have no memory of those events.
When you sober up, raise another flask. Where will you be going?
Chongyue Where Nian and Dusk went.
<Background 4>
Observer The man has been playing against himself the whole afternoon, not speaking or inviting anyone to play against him.
His moves are brilliant, but eccentric. There were a few that confused me.
Some Go grandmaster I've never heard of? But why would he come to a place like Yumen?
Chongyue Oh?
[Chongyue approaches the lone Go player.]
A man faces a Go board outside a parlor. He is not playing against a manual; he thinks for a long time before each move, as though locked in a struggle against himself.
Black and white pieces intertwine on the rough wooden board, setting into motion a dazzling battle.
Go Player Do you know Go?
Chongyue A little.
Go Player What do you think about the board?
Chongyue The battle has been decided in three places. The balance of power is roughly even.
But white pieces occupy a large area in the center, with no isolated pieces. It seems inevitable that black will lose by half a point...
Go Player? Look again.
I've taught you.
Chongyue There is one ko left in the corner.
Keep the ploy and take the last area.
Unfamiliar Voice White is spread out, with more to protect... therefore, more ammunition for my ko.
The match is not over.
Chongyue You won't give up. You'll go on until a winner has been determined.
Unfamiliar Voice The Go game doesn't matter. I'm playing against me, in order to determine a winner.
<Background 4>
Unfamiliar Voice Your sword taught me a few things. This game state is my gift to you.
Chongyue I knew you had pieces around me.
I just didn't know you had already lost faith in humanity then.
Unfamiliar Voice Man and beast are different.
You sealed yourself in the sword in exchange for a human body. You treated yourself as one of them. What became of you in the end?
All your friends are gone. You wander afar, alone. No one trusts you, no one knows.
Chongyue ......
Unfamiliar Voice It's not that you don't know the hearts of man. No, you know it all too well. For centuries, you have always been the one most connected to them. How would you not know?
You could not blend in because you know that the hearts of man are unpredictable. You will always be an outsider.
Chongyue All the things you've done since Jie disappeared, you did to find someone to talk to.
Unfamiliar Voice We've been lonely for far too long. We want to find someone to talk to.
Chongyue We've fought for so many years. How ironic that we would end up knowing each other best.
Unfamiliar Voice You were never my enemy.
Never once did I consider you my enemy... even if it was you who stopped me then.
Chongyue I'll stop you again, if you drag people into your Go game.
Unfamiliar Voice Of course you will. Assuming, of course, that you can see the board.
We'll meet again.
Farewell, brother.
Chongyue ......
Chongyue picks up a white piece and puts it down in a corner.
An orthodox, classic move.
<Background 5>
[The record keeper walks toward Zuo Xuanliao...]
Record Keeper General.
[...and gives him a book.]
Zuo Xuanliao This is...
Record Keeper The Grandmaster planned to write the Book of Kung Fu twenty years ago, but the responsibilities of Yumen kept him busy.
Work finally began on it five years ago, with the Grandmaster dictating it to me. I finally finished editing it yesterday.
It is a record of the Grandmaster's observations and interpretations of all kung fu under Heaven, every school and branch known to man.
Grandmaster wants you to have it.
Grandmaster says that there is much in common between kung fu and medicine. He has included some instructions in the appendix, which he hopes will improve your health.
Zuo Xuanliao ......
Where is the Grandmaster?
Record Keeper He left Yumen an hour ago.
He says he has already sent away the "guest", and you will be able to focus on dealing with things after the disaster.
He regrets not saying goodbye in person.
Zuo Xuanliao ......
I see.
Why didn't you go with him?
Record Keeper I've been with the Grandmaster since he saved my life ten years ago. I began helping him record the martial arts of the world when I grew up, meeting many great heroes along the way.
The Grandmaster says that all I need to do is to study all that I've seen and heard during these years, if I wish to pursue the martial arts.
And if I do not wish to do so, I should go and find something I want to do, now that the Book of Kung Fu is complete.
"Life is a long journey."
Zuo Xuanliao ......
He has always been like this.
The more whimsical encounters there are, the more ties one needs to let go of.
Man values formality, beasts value empathy.
[A patrolman walks toward Zuo Xuanliao.]
Patrol Battalion Soldier Rescue and relief efforts have begun, sir.
Zuo Xuanliao Very well.
...The sun is setting.
Oh, the Wangfeng Festival...
Patrol Battalion Soldier Yesterday was the last day, but the beacon-lighting ceremony was suspended because of the Catastrophe.
Would you like to resume it?
Zuo Xuanliao Of course.
The wizened general gazes beyond the city and sees nothing but sand.
Zuo Xuanliao I will beat the drum myself.
Patrol Battalion Soldier Sir, you've been in the tower all day. You should rest. We'll take care of it.
Zuo Xuanliao The journey is long. Someone should see him off.
All your companions have returned. Where do you fly off to, alone?
Yi Dai Zhongshi
The drumbeats begin.
They are heavy, ringing clear and far.
Seventeen beats of the drum, representing the trials and tribulations that befell Yumen the past year, both big and small.
The Catastrophe has passed. The storm has swept away the many colors in the sky.
The clouds burn bright red, scorched by the setting sun.
He walks forward, the wind and sand slowly wiping away his footprints. The great city of Yumen grows smaller in the distance.
He stops briefly, but does not turn.
The eighteenth beat of the drum, symbolizing yet another Catastrophe survived by Yumen.
Chongyue I'll be going.
Break clouds by rays on all that be,
Wades haze along course desolate.
Are scooped the stars 'til star's bed fades, and like another, we are lone.
<Background 6>
[Two Shanhaizhong acolytes stood in the desert.]
Anxious Shanhaizhong Member We made it out.
Thank you for digging up the Patrol Battalion's activities, or we would have been goners inside.
Calm Shanhaizhong Member We got a message by Di beast. Boss and the others have set out for the next location. We should hurry and meet up with them.
(Grinds teeth)
Yumen... next time...
Anxious Shanhaizhong Member Hey, isn't that the one who...?
[Qiubai walks toward the acolytes.]
Calm Shanhaizhong Member You followed us?
Qiubai Followed? I just stopped to take a break on my way out of Yumen.
But I guess fate meant for us to meet again.
Calm Shanhaizhong Member ......
Anxious Shanhaizhong Member ......
Qiubai Perfect. I'll send you on your way.
And then I'll be on mine.
[Qiubai deals with the acolytes as a distant drum beat is heard.]