Operation | Story |
Because the original Chinese texts of Who is Real use Classical/Literary Chinese with wordplays that are impossible to be translated into English, some of the following texts may not be necessarily true to the context. |
Previous WR-8 | Next WR-ST-3 |
Characters | |
![]() Bounty Hunter ![]() Rhodes Island Guard Lungmen Passerby | |
Backgrounds | |
“ | Emerging from the illusion of their collective dream, the group comes face to face with the sudden appearance of Nian, and bears witness to her conflict with Dusk. | ” |
<Background black> | |
Starshrouded snow. Hidden moon. | |
<Background 1> | |
[Mr. Nothing runs through the streets of Lungmen.] | |
Mr. Nothing | ...... (So... this is Lungmen.) (I must hurry–) |
<Background fades out and in> | |
[Mr. Nothing asks an elderly Zalak.] | |
Mr. Nothing | Kind sir, would you spare me a moment? |
??? | Hmm? |
Mr. Nothing | There is something I would like to ask. Is Master Tung's finball stall nearby? |
??? | You... You are not from Lungmen, are you? |
Mr. Nothing | ...... |
??? | Came to sample his reputed finballs, have you? |
Mr. Nothing | Uh, yes, but of course! They're famous far and wide, hahaha– |
??? | Well, what time do you think it is? They closed for the day long ago. If you truly want a bite, you'll want to line up at eight in the morning. |
Mr. Nothing | It has closed? Do you perchance know where Master Tung lives, then? |
??? | Hm... |
Mr. Nothing | Kind sir? |
??? | You're here to sample his finballs. Why would his name or address matter to you at all? |
Mr. Nothing | Err... Hahaha, quite right. Haha... I'll wait till the morrow then– |
??? | Young man... |
Mr. Nothing | Mmh– –K-Kind sir? What is the meaning of this? Please, lower your cane– |
??? | What do you want with Tung? |
Mr. Nothing | I... I– |
??? | I suggest you behave yourself here, young man. Now, explain. You covered practically the entire town within just one night, from the old folks to the Greytails' boss. Now, you even ask for a finball hawker. No one would come to this place to seek him out at this hour. Moreover... I know what it is that you are holding. |
Mr. Nothing | –You... Are you...?! Mmph! |
??? | Don't move, young man. Answer me first. Who else do you seek? |
Mr. Nothing | Only those I've already asked about! I am looking for Uncle Tung only because I have no choice–! |
??? | Is your name Lien? |
Mr. Nothing | No! No, it is not! Please, listen to me– |
??? | Stop. I am not one to mistake a man trained in the martial arts for a hooligan... And you hold the Lien clan's Yin-ch'ing fan. How are you related to Lien Tzu-hsu? |
Mr. Nothing | –She's my master! |
??? | What became of her? |
Mr. Nothing | My master... |
??? | What became of her?! |
Mr. Nothing | She passed! |
??? | ...How? |
Mr. Nothing | She... She was damned well murdered... because of me, an imbecile of a disciple! |
??? | ...... ...A shame. |
Mr. Nothing | Master Lin–! |
[The elderly Zalak turns out to be none other than the Rat King of Lungmen's slums.] | |
Lin | Hmph... You know my name. How? |
Mr. Nothing | I-I heard of you from my master... Please, I cannot be caught by those men yet! |
Lin | You came here to Lungmen merely to drag out what time you have left. |
Mr. Nothing | The flame can't be snuffed! |
Lin | I suggest you go to the L.G.D. |
Mr. Nothing | This is nothing the police can manage! |
Lin | ...... Very well... Out of respect for Tung's friendship with your old master, I give you this chance. You have three moves. Break my cane, and you may come with me. |
Mr. Nothing | –N-No, I can't! |
Lin | Do it. |
Mr. Nothing | My master told me. The debt that Uncle Tung owes Lin of Lungmen... is also hers. No matter the circumstances, I must not disrespect– |
Lin | Do it! |
Mr. Nothing | –I'm afraid I can't! |
Lin | You coward! Unfold your fan! |
Mr. Nothing | My name is not Lien! I am undeserving! |
Lin | Yet you hold her fan!! |
Mr. Nothing | Lien is not my name! |
Lin | Then your master died for nothing! |
Mr. Nothing | I– |
Lin | Hm, well executed... |
Mr. Nothing | Master Lin... please forgive me. |
Lin | Stand up. I forced your hand. Nothing to kneel for. Stay here in Lungmen for five years. After five years, I will send you back to Kou-wu City. What happens next, you'll have to figure out yourself. |
Mr. Nothing | –! |
Lin | Come. |
[Mr. Nothing humbly obeys the Rat King's order and quietly follows him.] | |
<Background fades out and in> | |
[Five years later, Mr. Nothing bids his farewell with the Greytails before leaving Lungmen.] | |
Greytail | Brother Nothing, are you really leaving? |
Mr. Nothing | ...... |
Greytail | Stay in Lungmen. It's a nice place, no? |
Mr. Nothing | I have yet to do what I must. |
Greytail | Looks like we aren't keeping you here... Can we share one last drink, then? |
Mr. Nothing | Save it. If I make it back alive, we will share this drink. If that time comes, I suppose I won't be using this pseudonym anymore. |
Greytail | –Great! We await your return! |
<Background 2> | |
[After fulfilling his quest for vengence, Mr. Nothing comes back to Lungmen again.] | |
Lin | So you really came back. That I did not expect... |
Mr. Nothing | But I must return. I am indebted to you. I cannot well just pack up and leave. |
Lin | Hoh. Look how much of a smooth-talker you've become. I wish you'd seen how nervous you were when we first met. |
Mr. Nothing | Ha. Haha, Master Lin. At least save me some face. |
Lin | What's your plan after this? |
Mr. Nothing | It's all over, but I've made enemies everywhere. It's not realistic for me to stay in my hometown. |
Lin | I've got a storefront downtown you can have. Not cheap, though. |
Mr. Nothing | Of course, I can't take what's yours without proper payment. |
<Background 3> | |
[A new martial arts club run by Mr. Nothing is having its grand opening in downtown Lungmen.] | |
Greytail | So this is your training hall, Brother? |
Mr. Nothing | Indeed it is. I named it "Friendship," for friendship is wealth as the saying goes. What do you think? |
Greytail | Sounds kinda like a fitness center for the elderly... |
Mr. Nothing | As long as it earns me good coin, why does it matter in this day and age that it's a fitness center for the elderly?! |
Greytail | Will anyone actually come...? Ugh, you charge the memberships by the year too? |
Mr. Nothing | Ahaha... It's not necessarily a bad thing to have no customers. I heard this is fashionable in recent... |
Lungmen Passerby | Excuse me, is this a fitness center? |
Mr. Nothing | My oh my. Please come this way, esteemed guest. We are a traditional Yan martial arts training center. I guarantee you'll find yourself most hale and hearty in no time! |
Greytail | ...... |
Lungmen Passerby | Oh, I see. Give me a minute. Let me find my card. |
[Suddenly the passerby procures a knife and stabs Mr. Nothing on the chest.] | |
Mr. Nothing | ...?! You... |
Greytail | Brother Nothing! |
Lungmen Passerby | Don't you think you're safe just because you're in Lungmen. You aren't getting away– |
[The Greytail strikes the passerby, who turned out to be an assassin sent to kill Mr. Nothing...] | |
Greytail | Bastard, die! |
[...but the assassin manages to escape as Mr. Nothing lies injured on the ground.] | |
Greytail | Brother Nothing, are you alright?! |
Mr. Nothing | Open your eyes... Do I look alright...? |
Greytail | Hang in there! I'll call an ambulance right away– |
Mr. Nothing | Save it... *cough* *cough*... It's too late; I can tell. It's opening day, and blood has already been spilled. Just my luck... I... *cough*, stop crying. You are a big guy. It's nothing uncommon to see a fellow man die. |
Greytail | I... I'm not... I... |
Mr. Nothing | It's okay... This... is how it's meant to be... |
[Mr. Nothing blacks out.] | |
Greytail | Brother Nothing!! |
...... ...... | |
[Out of nowhere, Nian shows up inside Mr. Nothing's consciousness.] | |
Nian | Oh, so you aren't doing anything the rest of your life but avenging your master. You even had to kill yourself in your dream. Really, man? |
Mr. Nothing | I... Did I just...? |
Nian | Did you what? If I didn't come fetch you, you'd have started all over again from the moment you left Kou-wu. Now get up and get to work! |
Mr. Nothing | ?! |
[As Nian helps Mr. Nothing up, he...] | |
<Background 4> | |
Kroos | ...Why am I... |
Beagle | Kroos! You're up! |
Kroos | ...Beagle? Why are you still... wearing your Rhodes Island outfit...? |
Beagle | Hehe, we may be on vacation, but I really like it. See? This part here is nice, right? |
Kroos | ...Is this your new place? |
Beagle | Mm-hm! Why don't you stay here for a few more days? I'll take real good care of you! |
Kroos | ...... ...Yeah! |
<Background 5> | |
Kroos | Do we really need to go from here...? |
Beagle | Shh! Look over there... |
Bounty Hunter | ...Tsk, what a pain in the ass. That caravan barely had anything to take. Drew this big of a crowd here too! If I knew it'd be this much trouble, I wouldn't have taken the job! No use complaining now though. Hey, get the goods moved over here. That's a pretty good spot! Be sure to mark it down! |
Kroos | –Bandits? |
Beagle | Yeah, a Messenger said it's not very safe out on the mountains... So this is where they've all been hiding. Kroos, we need to hurry back to tell security– |
Kroos | –Why? We can take care of them. |
Beagle | Kroos, let's not get ahead of– |
Bounty Hunter | Hey, there's another caravan! Might be a merchant! |
Kroos | We'll lose our chance if we don't hurry. |
Beagle | I never expected you of all people to say that... |
Kroos | ...I... |
Beagle | Oh, looks like they're on the move! I'll protect– |
Kroos | –Huff! |
[Suddenly Kroos turns herself invisible and ambushes the bandits by firing her crossbow at them.] | |
Bounty Hunter | You–?! Ugh?! What's wrong? Why did he pass out?! |
[Kroos single-handedly dispatches the bandits.] | |
Kroos | I'm here. |
Beagle | Whoa... you took care of them all so quick... Even avoided their vitals so that they're only incapacitated. When did you become such a badass? |
Kroos | Let's go get the guards. |
Beagle | Sure! |
<Background 4> | |
Kroos | *Yawn*... Morning. |
Beagle | Hey, Kroos, did you sleep well? |
Kroos | I had to go to bed early all of a sudden. How was I supposed to fall asleep fine? |
Beagle | Haha, but you know how early the Messengers leave. If you want to hitch a ride, you gotta head there early. |
Kroos | ...... |
Beagle | Oh, don't be like that. We just won't get to see each other for a while. You can come visit me any time. Oh, and be sure to tell Fang I said hello. I wonder how she's doing these days... |
Kroos | Yeah. |
Beagle | Hehe. Okay, here's your luggage. I got it all packed up for you. |
Kroos | Yeah. |
Beagle | Alright, enough with the sad face. Smile! You'll get to see Fang real soon! Be sure to bring me some Columbian souvenirs! |
Kroos | ...Yeah! |
Beagle | See you, Kroos! |
Kroos | We'll meet again, Beagle– |
<Background black> | |
See you. We'll meet again. You know that's not how things will end. What you will face on the path ahead will be far worse. ...... I... knew you’d be here. Sorry, but I won’t let you pass. No matter what. | |
<Background 5> | |
Kroos | – What...? Did I just... |
Rhodes Island Guard | ...Finally awake, huh? We've been stuck here for a long time... Looks like you had a pretty sweet dream, though. |
Kroos | ...Sorry. |
Rhodes Island Guard | It's nothing to apologize for... but we're running out of rations, Kroos. We gotta give it a shot, head to the other side of the valley and see what's going on there. It's been way too long since we heard anything from the Bolívarian army. Did they change their route or something? |
Kroos | Beagle... |
Rhodes Island Guard | Anyway, we gotta leave. The mission was over a long time ago... We need to report back to Rhodes Island as well... |
[Kroos and the R.I. guard leaves.] | |
<Background 6> | |
[As Kroos and the R.I. guard trek through a canyon...] | |
Kroos | No, this isn't right. This isn't... This makes no sense...! The emergency comms aren't working! |
Rhodes Island Guard | B-But their camp shouldn't be that far away, going by the operation's map! |
Kroos | Hey–! Where are you guys?! ...! T-This... |
[Kroos and the R.I. guard sight a ruined encampment in a distance...] | |
<Background 7> | |
[...and discover many casualties, one of whom is Beagle herself!] | |
Kroos | ...Beagle...? Are you sure it's her? N-No way! How come?! |
Rhodes Island Guard | ...We'll have a detailed report later on. And well... Kroos, we probably shouldn't get too involved in this mess... If Bolívar's really this complicated... there's nothing we can do for her. We need to head back to the Rhodes Island landship... |
Kroos | You want me to stand by and watch her– –No, I... I... I should've stopped her! I should've stopped her, whatever it took...! |
[Nian appears in front of Kroos out of thin air.] | |
Nian | Hey, Kroos. |
Kroos | ...Sorry, Nian, but I'm not in the mood to... |
Nian | Okay. Huh. Turns out Dusk couldn't have given you guys a better life, even in your dreams. All she did was draw the rest of your lives out in the painting and let them play out again from the beginning. It's all fake anyway. Couldn't you have picked a better ending? |
Kroos | What are you talking about– |
Nian | Don't worry, don't worry. Nian's here to save the day. I'm her big sister, after all. |
[Nian grabs hold of Kroos' hand, and...] | |
<Background black> | |
[Lava is lost within the void, with Kroos and Mr. Nothing nowhere in sight.] | |
Lava | Kroos! Mr. Nothing! It's so dark here... What's going on...? I thought I saw the Umbrella-Boiler... put out the flames that he just lit up...? ...What's going on...? Hm, I wonder how things are going with Saga... ...There's ground beneath my feet, at least, but I gotta be careful... |
[Nian appears beside Lava within the void.] | |
Nian | Lava. |
Lava | Waaahhh?! N-Nian?! What are you doing here? |
Nian | Oh, don't worry. I'm the real, 100% legit Nian you know and love, here to save you guys' asses. It's just, uh, how should I put this. She sure threw you for a loop...? |
Lava | I can't see anything– –Hold up, I can kinda make something out... Is there someone over there? |
Nian | That's a trap. She noticed what that thing I gave you is for, so she put all of you in some far-fetched, otherworldly dream right away. Too bad... got here a bit too late. |
Lava | How do you even do this?! |
Nian | No idea. It's not that hard to carve a person's consciousness out of their minds. After all, the point wasn't to give you guys a second life. Fundamentally, it's more like... a kaleidoscope for you to reflect on and question yourself. Whether it's a large mirror, a huge lake, or a vast sky full of stars, once you enter the painting, there is no way out. This is that almighty. I wonder why you alone are an exception, though. Oh, maybe it's cause we had all that hotpot together...? |
Lava | Don't drag me into a mess like this for a reason like that. Anyway, thanks. |
Nian | ...... |
Lava | Nian? |
Nian | ...Hm? Oh, it's nothing. Wanna hear another story? Unlike Dusk, I'm not some uptight shut-in who hates the outdoors. This one isn't going to be nearly as boring. |
Lava | Given the circumstances, I think we should worry about how to get out– |
Nian | Eh, you don't want to learn about how these people from the olden days fought off those huge beats when they were years behind with their industries, populations, and Originium Arts? |
Lava | The last time you changed the conversation like that, we ended up with the Dark Devastator stuff. |
Nian | Well, looks like you're interested. |
Lava | I... Whatever, go ahead... |
[Nian begins to narrate an ancient legend from Yan.] | |
![]() | |
Nian | A long time ago, there existed many gods in the lands of Yan. The Yan emperor at the time saw his territory prosper, but his people suffered disasters and misfortunes one after another. He lamented this vicious cycle, and spent a long time to come up with a solution. He was the True Lung. Likely one of the most controversial men in Yan history, he was at the time still young in years, and his passion was unrivaled. As the emperor of Yan, he turned to his trusted retinue and told them this– All the lands under heaven belong to the throne, and all men are my servants.[note 1] Why then do the divinities above listen not to the will of the people of Great Yan and deprive our lands of their protection? ...As you probably know, when the "gods" are brought up in certain countries' folklore or history, they aren't necessarily merely philosophical concepts. That said, they aren't exactly all that mighty and revered either. Case in point, the Lung found one such god deep in the mountains. A prideful and disdainful god. Yan's long history was a brief stretch of time to him... Naturally, he didn't give any thought to the Lung's opinions, and he had no reason to care about the lives of mere mortals. Now, this is where the problem lies. The Lung was too concerned with his subjects and his country. He issued and personally led his entire military, joined by many a formidable fighter, to take to the mountains on this wild hunt– And... beyond anyone's expectations, being that the Lung first uncovered there decided to betray his kin and his fellow deities. It divided up its own strength, and participated in this once-in-a-lifetime wild hunt. After this great wild hunt, Yan slayed several of these "gods" who dared to stand up against the Lung, and all those unwilling to submit to his rule were exiled. Much blood was shed, and many lives were lost. Yan paid a dear price, and that's how this controversy surrounding the True Lung came to be. But he personally didn't care about this, and his campaign continued for as long as the Lung lived. When he was finally old and frail, he found the last such being remaining in Yan's lands. The most ancient and the most sacred. The eternal being that chose to betray its kin for the Lung's cause. The traitor had already received the justice it deserved. When its kin left the lands of Yan, they also took care to put out its flames of arrogance. Thus, its true nature was laid bare to the emperor– Anyway, its contributions had more than earned it the Lung's mercy. Nonetheless, the Lung forced it to serve Yan. To serve heaven, the lands, and its people to keep the world at peace. Ever since, the fortunes of Yan have always belonged to the True Lung and his subjects. And at the same time, the so-called "gods"– Though they had existed long before all the nations in the world came to be, they chose to hide themselves. They spread their own seeds across the land, placed the broken shards of their power and souls, and let them take root in this world in their place. They still exist in all shapes and forms across Terra, though their numbers are nowhere as great as before. But they all learned their lesson. Now, they're living across the world with everyone like one big family. Yep, it's a pretty good ending, don't you think? |
Lava | You... |
Nian | ...Many nations have risen in Terra, and each one went through major changes throughout history. Yet, beyond Yan, there isn't a dynasty, a human who can tell this tale of the ennobling of the gods. |
Lava | ...... |
Nian | Yan is a real scary place. Eh, anyway, let's blow this joint. I don't wanna stay here any longer. This painting is Dusk's trump card. We've got her indecisiveness to thank though. We wouldn't have a way out otherwise. |
Lava | ...H-How are you going to do that...? |
[Nian takes Lava with her, and...] | |
<Background 8> | |
Kroos | What... What happened to us...? |
Mr. Nothing | Mnn, my brain hurts... Hmm? My benefactor, Kroos? |
Kroos | Nothing...? Where's Lava? Where's Saga? |
Mr. Nothing | No idea, they... M-My benefactor, are we back in Mount Hui-ch'i? |
Dusk | ...Leave. |
Kroos | Who are you...? |
Dusk | I'll say this only once. |
Kroos | Don't tell me... You are Dusk? |
Dusk | This was Nian's idea, wasn't it? I don't know who you people are, and I don't want to know what you've got to do with her. I don't care. Now leave. |
Mr. Nothing | Don't tell me... You are the villain behind it all...? |
Dusk | What if I am? For someone who dared to disrupt my tranquility over and over, this is no punishment at all. |
Kroos | You don't mean, it's all because of the firecrackers...? You've got it all wrong. We weren't trying to– |
Dusk | Wrong? Nian may be able to fool you, but she can't fool me. No matter what she says, I don't want to see her. Tell her that. |
Kroos | That's... But what about Lava and Saga? |
Dusk | They– |
Heavenly forge– | |
Dusk | –! |
–Take the bounty to the earth. | |
Dusk | What... Where?! |
And smelt an edge to slice the sky! | |
Mr. Nothing | W-What?! Where is this sound coming from? |
Kroos | Get down! |
[A massive firecracker detonates close to the cottage, disorienting everyone especially Dusk with a very bright flash and a thunderous sound. Lava uses this opportunity to reach where Dusk, Kroos, and Mr. Nothing are...] | |
Lava | *cough* *cough*– –What in the world did you come up with again?! |
[...followed by Nian.] | |
Nian | Oh, it's just a big-ass firecracker. Eight feet long and three feet wide, uses the latest and greatest technology, never before seen in Terra, for its ignition! |
Lava | You know how close I was? You could've at least warned me before you set that thing off! |
Nian | We didn't have the time. She would've gotten away again. Isn't that right, my dear little sister? |
[Upon recovering from the disorientation, Dusk sees Nian and is obviously disgusted by her presence.] | |
Dusk | –You. How dare you burn my art! |
Nian | Your art? Oh, I see. The moment we flung that door open, we'd already stepped into the world of your paintings, huh? Or are we in the middle of a hike? Maybe this whole mountain is just a fantasy that you've dreamt up? Oh, no wonder I could never find you, you unsociable loner– |
Lava | W-What? |
Nian | That's right. I mean, you can't possibly hide all that junk in a cottage that small, can you? Are you telling me none of you figured that out? Hm, I guess most people's cognition and senses get affected, though. Can't blame you for not noticing, then. It's just like how you wouldn't feel anything's off no matter what kind of weird dream you have in your sleep. |
Dusk | ...... |
Nian | Aha, you mad because I blew your little secret? |
![]() | |
Dusk | I'll beat you up and send you back to that mausoleum, "Big Sis." |
![]() | |
Nian | Eh, that place was destroyed long ago. |
![]() | |
Dusk | Oh, perfect, then. It's time to build a new one, and we'll give its design a little more thought this time. |
![]() | |
Nian | Hehe, you haven't changed at all. Always such a foulmouth when you're pissed... Did you just call me "Big Sis" though? |
![]() | |
Dusk | ...You heard that right. After all, when you have to kill someone, it costs nothing to be cordial. |
![]() | |
Nian | Don't worry, my "little sister." How many times have you defeated me? |
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Dusk | Don't be so confident, my all bark and no bite big sister. |
![]() | |
Nian | Well, I wonder about that, my cocky little sister. |
<Background 8> | |
Lava | Kroos, Mr. Nothing, hide! |
<Background black> | |
Heavenly forge, take the bounty of the earth and smelt an edge to slice the sky. Starshrouded snow, hidden moon, let the crude mounts' waters sweep the streams. |
“ | The sisters duel across countless paintings until finally Saga appears to interrupt the sisterly conflict. With Lava and her cohorts' intervention, Dusk seems at least temporarily convinced by Nian. | ” |
[The battle between the two "deities", Dusk and Nian, spans across multiple "painted worlds"...] | |
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<Background 9> | |
Nian | You're extremely bad-tempered, you don't ever talk, you get mad all of a sudden, and your attitude is completely terrible. No wonder I, your own sister, am the only one willing to take care of you. |
Dusk | ...... |
Nian | You don't get along with that silly wordsmith, because you two don't accept that both word and art rose from the same source. You don't get along with me, because you don't wanna try hotpot that's even a little bit spicy– |
Nian | *sigh*, if you ever come up with those silly dishes like Metal Crab ice cream pot again, I really won't have a clue what to do with you. |
Dusk | Enough talk. I'm guessing you're trying to drag this out by spewing nonsense because you're exhausted already? |
Nian | ...Eh, you haven't gotten even a bit of shut-eye all these years? |
Dusk | ...... |
Nian | Pulling an all-nighter may help you keep a clear head better than losing a couple hours of sleep, but the fatigue adds up and wears you out. Oh, I get it. You're scared. |
Dusk | Grr... |
Nian | You know yourself better than anyone. And you know you're part of the painting, too. And you're afraid you'll cease to exist when you wake up. |
Dusk | Shut up! |
Nian | Oh, calm down. We all need to face the truth about ourselves. That's not something we can run from. |
Dusk | Tsk. |
[Dusk and Nian shift into yet another painted world.] | |
<Background 10> | |
Dusk | I didn't know you could get this sentimental. Perhaps you got a little too much sleep? |
Nian | By the time "we" wake up and gaze upon this world, both you and I as we exist right now will disappear, without a trace. Not only that, "we" will set this whole world ablaze with our flames of rage. The humiliation and resentment inside me will burn as well, up until the moment "our" ties are cut. And I won't be particularly happy about that. |
Dusk | ...You'll resist it? Nonsense. How will you, a mere part of the body, take on the whole? |
Nian | Eh, I think I used that analogy before. |
Dusk | Enough of your smooth talk. We don't have time– |
Nian | Yeah, I know. I'm not the only one who thinks this way. Before "we"– Actually, I guess since we've broken it off with those lunatics, it's not really "we" anymore– –Before "it" awakens, we need to be fully prepared. We have to be able to do this, no matter what kind of strength we need to borrow. And we aren't doing this for anything. It's only for ourselves and the things we love. Also, I'm sure you noticed... Some of our siblings are on our side, some don't care, and there are some... who are absolute nut jobs. |
Dusk | ...Impossible. |
Nian | Really? Don't you actually have a few ideas about who those nut jobs are? |
Dusk | They're all close to the True Lung. What chance do they... No... That's not right... |
Nian | What are you doing, being more confused than I am? Just take a look back at our long history. How many times have you seen so much as a peep out of those guys? These days, even the big shots who like to throw their weight around send their Messengers to lounge in that little temple's side hall... It's not gonna fool me, and it's not gonna fool anyone. Shackles can't keep you down now, can they? If not, then what makes you think anything can keep the others down? |
Dusk | ...... |
Nian | Anyway, we really don't have much time left. It doesn't matter who drove us into this corner, there's just no time. Do you remember the last time you had a good night's sleep? |
[Annoyed, Dusk attacks Nian...] | |
<Background 11> | |
[...but she narrowly misses, "burning" the painted world in the process.] | |
Nian | Oh, man, that was close. You really don't think much of your art, do you? You painted these yourself! And to think you were just lecturing me about that. |
Dusk | Enough nonsense. |
Nian | Guessing you're not gonna admit it? |
Dusk | ...Not necessarily. What you just said is worth giving a little thought to. But what does any of that have to do with the "Rhodes Island" place? What does that have to do with what it is you want to accomplish? |
Nian | You could go check it out yourself. It's a great place. |
Dusk | ...A fair amount of us have already come to accept this fate. We'll disappear, and it will awaken. We will become I anew, before we all cease to exist as the destruction of the great Yan cities rings in the air. Is there any point in that...? |
Nian | That's the answer you came up with after all these years? A little too sappy, don't you think? What happened to the haughty, arrogant Dusk I remember? |
Dusk | ...... |
Nian | Ah, whatever. If this goes on, we'll run out of paintings to mess up. Hmph– |
Dusk | Wait, not again– |
Nian | Oh, check this out. This is top of the line. It's eight feet wide, three-and-a-half tall, ignited with materials never before seen in Terra– My beloved two-step firecracker! |
[Nian uses her special, gargantuan, firecracker that "destroys" the painted world...] | |
<Background 12> | |
[...and sends both deities back to the real world, though Dusk's cottage is destroyed in the process.] | |
Dusk | ...Tch. |
Nian | Yo, we're back! |
Lava | Nian! |
Mr. Nothing | My benefactor, there seems to be a burnt smell lingering in the air... |
Kroos | ...Nian's winking at us. We should probably stay away. Nothing good comes of that. |
[As the smoke subsides, Dusk refuses to give up.] | |
Dusk | ...... |
Nian | Well, I've said all there is to say. I tried to reason with you, even. What do you think? |
Dusk | ...... I told you right from the start. |
Nian | What good does locking yourself away in the paintings do anyway? Come with me to Rhodes Island. It'll be just as fun there. Let's get the other guys and, hey, we can have a little family reunion over at Rhodes. Then we can really suss out our sisterly issues, along with the rest. |
Dusk | Rhodes Island... What does that place have that's worth your persistence? And you want to bring everyone there? Ha, that's more absurd than us declaring war on Yan right now. |
Nian | If you won't come willingly, I can't just stand here and watch you lose your mind and disappear without a peep. |
Dusk | That's your problem. |
Nian | Ugh, don't tell me we're gonna have to fight this one out? |
Dusk | That's your problem too. Dueling is incredibly boring, and, as a way to resolve differences, it went out of fashion centuries ago. ...But I will say that you've really gotten under my skin today. |
Nian | Heh. |
[Nian looks at Lava.] | |
Nian | Lava? |
Lava | Uhh? |
Nian | Stay away. Get off the mountain and go somewhere else. What's about to go down, there's no room for you guys to interfere– |
[Saga suddenly shows up out of nowhere, having been freed from the painted world she was imprisoned in with the destruction of Dusk's cottage.] | |
Saga | Hm? Where am I...? –Ohh? Have I returned already? Hm? Is that not Lava? Kroos and Mr.Nothing, too. Hoh, my good sir–And who might this be? Oh, art thou perchance the master's sister? My, my, 'tis a pleasure to meet thee! My name is Saga, a wandering monk from the far lands of Higashi! |
Nian | Hah... This is getting interesting. |
Saga | Uh, why the suspicious stare, may I ask? Oh, mayhaps there is rice on my face...? |
Dusk | ...You... |
Nian | Rice? |
Saga | I had a magnificent vegetarian feast with many a great number of myself. Verily, the taste brought me back. It hath left me the most satisfied! |
Dusk | How did you...? |
Saga | Beg pardon? |
Dusk | How did you... leave my scroll? |
Saga | I am afraid I know not how. I merely returned. All I recall is that the first person whom I met is me as I am now, and the last person whom I met is also me as I am right now. Everything that occurred between is but a faint haze, likely my random thoughts. I walked alongside myself, the me in the painting, sharing conversations unto today, and we walked from Yan all the way back to the monastery. The moment I swung the door open and entered, I remembered my head priest's painting and the words he spoke as he lamented– |
Dusk | Lamented? |
Saga | He said, "The mountains are but mountains, and the water is yet water."[note 2] |
Dusk | –– |
Saga | Just then, I noticed there was but a mirror in front of me. In the blink of mine eye, I found myself here. One final note, I must admit that the other me, having become a heavy gambler, did rather frighten me. It seems I must not take up gambling. |
Dusk | Heh, no wonder. Looks like your master reasoned with you just as much as I did, that little punk of a monk... He never saw in the scroll anything he saw in life... so it was just mountains and waters to him, hmph. |
Nian | Don't be such a sore loser, my little sister. You're embarrassing yourself. |
Dusk | I... You were woken twice, but your perceptiveness and reasoning... is rather beyond my expectations. |
[Having lost the will to fight, Dusk allows Nian to approach her.] | |
Nian | Remember how we made a bet a long, long, loooong time ago? |
Dusk | Hmph... |
Nian | You lost. Oh, don't even try to deny it. I know there's way more than one person who made it through the boundaries of your imagination. I will let the prior ones slide, but this happened right before my eyes. |
Dusk | You can stop blowing your own horn just because you're right. It'll be the end of you one day. |
Nian | Remember what I said. There are always ways to turn things around. |
Dusk | Turn things around... |
[After remaining silent for a while, Dusk...] | |
Dusk | Fine. Very well... You won. There's no point in making a stand over this... I'll just stand by and see how far you can take it. |
Nian | I guarantee you're in for a surprise, my good little sister. |
Dusk | Hmph. |
<Background fades out and in> | |
Nian | Lava, nice work. |
Lava | Uh, your sister doesn't seem very happy. Should we just leave her alone? |
Nian | Oh, she's fine... She's locked herself away in the paintings for years. Having to deal with this many people is probably asking too much from her right now. Just pretend she's got some anxiety disorder, or that she's shy. Oh, if you're trying to strike up a conversation, you're just gonna get yelled up, Nothing bro. You don't want to bring that on yourself. |
Mr. Nothing | A-Alright. |
Kroos | ...So, I guess that wraps up the mission? |
Lava | How did you get here anyway...? |
Nian | I've got my ways... |
Lava | What's our next step? |
Nian | Find ourselves a car or something and head back to Rhodes Island? Might as well take a few stops on the way to get grub. Make it a fun road trip. Kuo-wu is known for its fine, exquisite food. If you ask me, though, I think they're tasteless and boring– |
Dusk | –Blasphemy. You'll find no finer delicacy than the scalebass here toward the end of autumn. They are plump and delicious, the perfect complement to the green mountains and rivers around us. |
Nian | ...Oh, scalebass is fine, but it's no match for a hotpot paired with booze. |
Dusk | Heh, I should have the kid show you how wrong you are. The broad variety of Yan cuisine will open your eyes. Even hotpot is a subject of study and debate. Given how... quick with the tongue you are, I can't imagine you being an expert on the subject. |
Nian | Oh, open my eyes? That's a bit rich, coming from someone who eats nothing but ink. |
Dusk | Please, I wouldn't dare to lecture anyone on cuisine. Look at what you are wearing, though. It reminds me of freshly planted chilies. |
Dusk | ...... |
Nian | ...... |
[Lava defuses the hostility between Dusk and Nian.] | |
Lava | H-Hey, let's stop it, okay? And here I thought you two finally calmed down! Kroos, help me out here. |
Kroos | I just looked up the route back. We're gonna hit seventeen restaurants well-known for their local specialties. This will do, right? |
Lava | ...... |
[The two deities come to agreement upon hearing Kroos' suggestion.] | |
Nian | Yeah, I suppose it'll work. |
Dusk | ...Hmph. |
[Mr. Nothing asks something to Lava.] | |
Mr. Nothing | My benefactors! My benefactors! Uh, I have something I would like to mention. |
Lava | What is it now? You're acting so weird, it's freaking me out... |
Mr. Nothing | Well, you see, I was hoping to make my way to Lungmen to find myself a job, but it appears you are all employed by this... "Rhodes Island." Is this island maybe hiring? I can do anything! I am healthy and hale, quite ripped even! And I most certainly am not afraid of the Infected! I guarantee you'll get your money's worth! |
Lava | Uh... you could come with us and take the exams, but I can't really promise you anything... |
Mr. Nothing | Very well, then please allow me to accompany you on your journey! |
Lava | This is turning into a real party. |
[Saga approaches Dusk.] | |
Saga | Master. |
Dusk | Yes? |
Saga | I shall never forget the time I spent within thy scrolls. |
Dusk | You needn't remember it. |
Saga | I am afraid these memories will stay with me for the rest of my life. Unlike thee, life is short for me. |
Dusk | You have my pity. How's your master now...? |
Saga | My head priest yet lives. Though he is already a century and a score in age, thou wilt find him quite hale and healthy. |
Dusk | Right. |
[Dusk asks Saga something.] | |
Dusk | So you're going with them? |
Saga | No, I am afraid not... I wish to continue my travels far and wide, leaving Yan behind. I have a dream. Be that as it may, Lava has been a kind friend. Surely, this Rhodes Island must be a place of many fascinations. Should we have the chance, I wish to pay it a visit. I am afraid I know not when that will be, however. |
Dusk | ...Heh. Isn't that nice? You guys have that privilege now. |
Saga | Why, I quite envy thee instead, Master Dusk. Thou need not take a step outside to enjoy the fine landscapes even thousands of miles away. |
Dusk | If you've seen as many mountains as I have, life isn't going to be that much more interesting, no matter how many thousands of miles you travel. Crude mounts utmost risen. |
<Background black> | |
Dusk | If you ever meet him again, tell him: this one extra stroke wasn't bad. |
[Everyone leaves.] | |
<Background 9> | |
Lava | Mr. Nothing, there's been a car tailing us for a while, right? Looks like they're here for you. Need any help? |
Mr. Nothing | I won't trouble you so... Allow me to take care of this myself. |
Kroos | What happened to the promise to your master? |
Mr. Nothing | Why, I needn't use the fan to take care of these hooligans! If they dare do evil beyond the city gates under broad daylight, then there truly is no law and order left in this world! I'll teach them a lesson today– |
Lava | Look, there's two more cars now. |
Kroos | Some of them have weapons too. Looks like they're bent on making a ruckus. |
Mr. Nothing | ...... ...M-My benefactors? |
Lava | *Sigh*. Well, if they mean us harm... Let's do this. |
- ↑ A quote from Classic of Poetry that reflects the Chinese ideology of "tianxia." Original quote: 普天之下,莫非王土,率土之滨,莫非王臣。
- ↑ A quote from the Zen Buddhist monk Qingyuan Xingsi. Original quote: 参禅之初,看山是山,看水是水;禅有悟时,看山不是山,看水不是水;禅中彻悟,看山仍然山,看水仍然是水。