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Winter Absolution (Chinese: 冬滌; Pinyin: Dōng dí) is an Arknights song acting as the leitmotif of Shining, with the lyrics paraphrased from Pange lingua gloriosi, a Christian hymn written by Saint Thomas Aquinas in Medieval Latin.

Winter Absolution is included in the album Seasons, which was released in 2021, as a track representing the season of Winter in the album.


Snowfields rest before me, all life gone unto their silent sleep.
Here I face the frigid wind, do walk alone, do see my journey stretch afar, the road before me clear.
[Winter Absolution]. Cleansed will be the world awash in longed warmth and radiant light, till the day all low voices called sorrow quiet.


Oh Pange, Oh Pange lingua redemptio.
De mean carem, Carem mysterium.
Sanguinisque pretiosi mei.
Praesertim quae, Quae mi-hi imortale.
Oh fructus, Oh fructus ventris generosi.
Rex effúdit géntium.

Oh Pange, Oh Pange lingua redemptio. [×3]
Tantum ergo sacraméntum.
Venerémur cérnui.
Et antíquum documéntum.
Novo cedat rítue.
Ad firmándum cor sincérum.
Sola fides sufficit.

Oh Pange, Oh Pange lingua redemptio. [×3]
Pange lingua.

Sing, my tongue, redemption.
Of my flesh, the mystery sing.
Of the blood, all price exceeding.
Shed by my immortal being.
Destined for the world's redemption.
From a noble womb to spring.

Sing, my tongue, redemption. [×3]
Therefore, the great sacrament.
Let us reverence, prostate.
And let the old covenant.
Give way to a new rite.
To strengthen a sincere heart.
Faith alone suffices.

Sing, my tongue, redemption. [×3]


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