“ | "The myths passed down generation to generation and the scrolls concealed by the Sui Regulator are all part of Its grand dream." | ” |
—Description |
Yan: Wars of Ruin is a trailer/PV released for Arknights, acting as a background summary covering the Sui saga (Who is Real, Invitation to Wine, Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow) which covers from the rise of Sui the Feranmut to the Great Hunt of Yan that subjugated the "gods."
The PV is narrated in Mandarin Chinese by the Second Brother.
- Mandarin script on the left and English script on the right
纵横十九道,万古无同局。-- In the course of the nineteen paths, no two cycles are the same.
已经过去了多少时间?千年?万年? -- How much time has passed? A thousand years? Ten thousand?
祂只记得上下失形,万象瞢暗,但沉睡醒来,大地上居然又长出了文明。-- It knows only the distortion, the darkness that veils all. But upon awakening, civilization has once again flourished upon the land.
人类于荒蛮中摸索次序,最终,“炎” 为这片土地命名。但国业初肇,又因“炎”的早逝而陷入战乱。-- Humanity gropes for order amidst the wilds. It comes to be that "Yan" is chosen as the name for this plot of earth. However, just as the nation begins to prosper, it plunges into turmoil due to the premature demise of "Yan".
羸弱的族群,连战争也如同游戏。 祂一时兴趣,聊作吐息,作弄了战争的结局。-- The weakened tribes, playing at war as one plays a game. It rouses a moment of whimsy, exhaling, toying with the outcomes of these conflicts.
见微知著者,唯有真龙。-- To perceive meaning in the subtle, one can only rely on the True Lung.
真龙察觉到了胜利的蹊跷,察觉到了头顶上的庞大阴影。-- The True Lung sensed the vagaries of victory, and the vast shadow looming above.
披荆棘,分节序,理荒秽,辟四野。人定胜天,炎国的未来,不在一个“神明相助,天命所归”的传说。-- Through pain and division, cultivating the wastes, expanding across the vast land, man determines his fate, and the future of Yan is not confined to legends of "divine intervention and predestination".
于是,渺小的生灵不屈不饶,往来奔走,试图撕开云翳。-- And so the humble beings persevere, traversing back and forth, attempting to tear through the veil of the clouds.
又一个丰收之年,炎国各地如期举行庆典,祈祝丰收,敬馈神明,一如过去的数百年。-- In another year of bountiful harvest, "Yan" celebrates with festivals, offering prayers for a fruitful yield, paying homage for the divine, as they have done for centuries.
祭祀者列阵游行,叩祷者藏锋于内,所谓庆典,竟是一场倾尽国力的围猎。-- The so called festival, a procession of ritualists concealing their blades as they bow their heads, is, in fact, a relentless hunt that exhausts the country's strength.
你们操戈向神,你们试图守护自己幼稚的文明,你们学会了真正的战争。-- You wield your weapons against the gods, attempting to protect your naïve civilization, and you have learned the true nature of war.
祂欣喜若狂!-- This bring It tremendous joy!
祂决定背弃同族,成为你们的主宰,塑造崭新的文明。-- It decides to forsake its kin, and become your ruler, shaping a new civilization.
那确实是一场真实的战争。-- What follows is indeed a true war.
浮尸百万,江川淤赤,山岳在蝼蚁的啃食吓崩彻,祂的同族死伤近半。-- Millions lay dead, rivers stained crimson, mountains crumbled under the relentless assault of the antlike forces, and nearly half its kin are wiped out.
愤怒的、不解的、残存的同族,在祂身上留下难于愈合的伤口,弃祂而去。-- The remaining kin, filled with anger, confusion, and wounds that will not heal, abandon it.
祂以天地设局,而自己终成一枚棋子。以为变化算尽,却早已落了后手。-- It set the stage of Heaven and the lands beneath, only to become a pawn. Thinking it had calculated every variable, it has, in turn, fallen behind.
真是傲慢又愚蠢!-- Such arrogance! Such folly!
祂不得不向渺小的人类俯首,陵墓幽暗,正好适合吞噬屈辱。-- It has no choice but to bow before the insignificant humans, dwelling in the shadow of a tomb, prepared to swallow humiliation.
可笑的是,我对那份屈辱感同身受。-- Ironically, I experience the same humiliation.
“我是谁?” -- "Who am I?"
我那些弟弟妹妹要几时才明白,这个他们苦苦求索的问题,毫无意义。-- When will my siblings understand that the question they tirelessly ask is utter meaningless?
民间口口相传的神话,司岁台迷藏的卷宗,都不过是祂的一场大梦,梦醒皆是泡影。-- The myths passed down generations to generations and the scrolls concealed by the Sui Regulator are all part of Its grand dream. Upon Its awakening, their illusions will be proven false.
无趣至极,荒唐至极!-- Utterly meaningless! Utterly absurd!
但是投子认负?-- But should I surrender?
哪怕残局将尽,以身铸子,我依然有破局之手。-- Even when facing the endgame, I still possess the means to turn the tide.
千年来,能坐在这棋枰前的,没有几人。-- For a thousand years, there have been but a few who could sit at this weiqi board.
而我的对手,从来都只有一个。-- And my opponent has always been the same.
该你落子了。-- Now, it's your move.